The role of the Department of Health is to provide strategic leadership for the health service and to ensure that Government policies are translated into actions and implemented effectively. A multi-annual programme of health reform is set out in the Sláintecare Implementation Strategy. The objective is to deliver a health and social care service that meets the needs of our population and attracts and retains the very best healthcare professionals, managers, and staff. Integrated, multi-disciplinary working is at the heart of the Sláintecare reform programme and the Office of the Chief Nursing Officer is expected to significantly contribute to the success of this approach through its leadership within the Department and the wider health service.The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) has an important strategic leadership and influencing role that includes the provision of professional policy direction and evidence-based expert advice for the nursing and midwifery and general health policy agenda. The CNO will work collaboratively across government and the wider public service to advance the public service reform programme and maintain a network of key contacts to support this collaborative approach.Candidates must:be registered or be entitled to registration in a division of the Register of Nurses of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland;have at least 10 years’ experience at senior nursing/midwifery level in healthcare delivery and/or in professional education/regulation and/or in a relevant nursing management role in an agency. In addition, the successful candidate will have:significant senior leadership and experience in nursing and midwifery with a demonstrated track record of achievement at requisite scale;experience in contributing to the formulation of health policy at national or international level; an in-depth knowledge of the health service, the health and wider public service reform agenda, and all matters related to nursing and midwifery;a knowledge of or capacity to acquire a knowledge of strategic workforce planning and professional regulation. This is a Top Level Appointments Committee (TLAC) position.The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 3pm on Thursday 27th of February 2025.If you feel you would benefit from a confidential discussion about this opportunity, please contact Aoife Lyons at are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and encourage applications under all nine grounds of the Employment Equality Act.