Príomhinnealtóir Sinsearach - Tacaíocht & Anailís Chórais / Senior Lead Engineer - SS&A (E2025139-40)
Is sinne atá taobh thiar d’eangach leictreachais na hÉireann. Táimid ag díriú ar shábháilteacht, ar shlándáil agus ar iontaofacht. Tá ár dtimpeallacht oibre dúshlánach, luaineach, comhoibritheach agus dírithe ar ár bhfoireann. Spreagtar ár gcultúr trí fheidhmíocht, trí eolas agus trí fhorbairt leanúnach. Agus níl an sin ach tús ár scéil. Táimid anois ag athrú an chórais chumhachta le haghaidh na nglúnta atá le teacht.
Cuspóir an Phoist
Tá an Stiúrthóireacht Oibríochtaí laistigh de EirGrid comhdhéanta de ghairmithe ardoilte a bhfuil cúlraí acu san innealtóireacht agus sa ghnó/tráchtáil. Tá sé mar sprioc ag Éirinn 80% dár leictreachas a fháil ó acmhainní in-athnuaite faoi 2030 agus a bheith neodrach ó thaobh carbóin de faoi 2050. Tá ról lárnach ag an Stiúrthóireacht Oibríochtaí i seachadadh ár bpríomhróil — oibriú, forbairt agus feabhsú an chórais cumhachta uile-oileáin agus an mhargaidh m h órdhíola leictreachais. Tá sé ríthábhachtach cultúr feabhais leanúnaigh a chruthú agus athléimneacht oibríochtúil a choinneáil ag an am céanna, rud a spreagann nuálaíocht theicniúil agus phróisis chun an ról sin a bhaint amach. Tá an fheidhm i ndáil le hOibríochtaí an Chórais freagrach as na gníomhaíochtaí oibríochta fíor-ama agus gar-ama sa Lárionad Rialaithe Náisiúnta agus san oifig tacaíochta ar bhonn 24 x 7 ar fud na hÉireann, ag spreagadh éifeachtachta agus éifeachtúlachta, ag neadú athrú claochlaitheach agus ag cinntiú go soláthraítear príomhchúram Ghrúpa EirGrid.
Is deis iontach é seo do dhaoine nuálacha, atá dírithe ar réitigh, athléimneacha agus spreagtha a bheith ar ár bhfoireann agus ról lárnach a bheith acu san aistriú chuig todhchaí fuinnimh ísealcharbóin.
Ár bhFoireann
Leis an bhFeidhm i ndáil le Tacaíocht agus Anailís Chórais éascaítear an saolré oibríochtúil ó cheann go ceann de naisc eangaí, ó Choimisiúnú, Tástáil agus Clárú, trí fhaireachán feidhmíochta agus trí anailís ar fhotha sonraí go dtí an díchoimisiúnú, agus na próisis Taraifí, Foirfeachtaí agus Maoluithe gaolmhara á mbainistiú ag an am céanna. Cinntíonn an fhoireann go gcomhlíontar Cód Eangaí le haghaidh gach nasc nua leis an eangach agus chun gléasraí a bhailíochtú atá ag iarraidh seirbhísí córais a sholáthar, lena n-áirítear ceRequirements tástála a fhorbairt agus a fhorghníomhú de réir an phróisis Fógra Oibriúcháin i gcomhréir leis an gCód Eangaí. Déanann an fhoireann anailís laethúil ar gach gné a bhaineann le feidhmíocht feirmeacha gaoithe, feirmeacha gréine, DSUnna, ceallraí agus gnáthaonad chun saincheisteanna a dhéanann difear d’oibriú an chórais a shainaithint agus aghaidh a thabhairt orthu, lena n-áirítear comharthaíocht, seoltaí teipthe, turais, freagairt mhinicíochta agus soláthar seirbhísí coimhdeacha i gcomhréir le luachanna conarthacha agus leis na Cóid Eangaí agus Líonra ábhartha. Déanann an fhoireann sonraí a bhaineann leis an margadh a chomhiomlánú, a bhailíochtú agus a fhoilsiú, ar sonraí iad a bhaineann le hinfhaighteacht rannpháirtithe, treoracha seolta agus sonraí méadair, lena soláthraítear dearbhú agus rialú cáilíochta maidir leis na sonraí céanna. I gcásanna áirithe, d'éirigh an fhoireann breithniú ar chumas na n-aonad na caighdeáin a leagtar amach sa Chód Eangaí agus sa Chód Gréasáin a chomhlíonadh agus féadfaidh sí maolú sealadach ina n-aghaidh a mholadh má mheasann na hÚdaráis Rialála gurb iomchuí sin. Déanann an Fhoireann bainistiú maidir le measúnaithe de chuid Cháilíocht Sheirbhísí Córais DS3 mar aon le híocaíochtaí TUOS agus Seirbhísí Córais. Déanann an fhoireann samhaltú teicnea-eacnamaíoch freisin chun meastóireacht agus réamhaisnéis a dhéanamh ar na costais a bhaineann leis an gcóras cumhachta a oibriú le haghaidh aisghabháil ioncaim. Tar éis comhairliúchán leis na hÚdaráis Rialála, aistrítear sin go taraifí agus muirir maidir leis an gcóras a úsáid. Déantar anailís agus tuairisciú freisin ar aon neamhfhoirfeacht a eascraíonn as míchothromaíochtaí seolta agus srianta córais in aghaidh na gcostas buiséadaithe.
* Le ról an Phríomhinnealtóra Shinsearaigh tacaítear leis an bhfeidhm i ndáil le Tacaíocht agus Anailís Chórais trí raon anailísí córais cumhachta agus forbairt tionscadail a dhéanamh chun athrú oibríochtúil a chur i gcrích faoin gcuspóir atá againn chun an córas cumhachta a athrú le haghaidh na nglúnta atá le teacht.
* Stiúrfadh an té a cheaptar an anailís ar fhadhbanna teicniúla agus eacnamaíocha, molfaidh sé réitigh, ullmhóidh sé cuir i láthair agus tuarascálacha le haghaidh rannpháirtíocht geallsealbhóirí inmheánacha agus seachtracha.
Eolas, Scileanna agus Taithí
* Céim san innealtóireacht nó a comhionann, le taithí iarcháilíochta 6 bliana ar a laghad.
* Sáreolas ar chórais cumhachta leictrí agus feasacht ar spriocanna agus uaillmhianta fuinnimh chun an earnáil fuinnimh a dhícharbónú.
* Taithí léirithe chun samhaltú agus anailís ar chórais chumhachta a dhéanamh ag baint úsáide as bogearraí anailíse maidir le córais chumhachta amhail STNET, LSAT, PSS/E, Python, Tableau nó Plexos.
* Eolas ar mhargaí mórdhíola cumhachta, socruithe margaidh in SEM, sa Bhreatain Mhór, sa Fhrainc agus i dtíortha Eorpacha eile.
* An cumas tionscadail mheánmhéide/mhóra a stiúradh agus freagracht a ghlacadh astu.
* An cumas daoine eile a threorú, a áitiú agus tionchar a imirt orthu trí scileanna forbartha cumarsáide agus taidhleoireachta.
* Sárscileanna eagraíochtúla agus dea-theist maidir le seachadadh.
* Scileanna láidre anailíse, breithiúnais agus réitigh fadhbanna mar aon leis an gcumas cinntí agus moltaí a dhéanamh i dtimpeallacht athraitheach dhinimiciúil, ina bhfuil cothromaíocht idir riachtanais iomaíocha.
* An cumas réitigh nuálacha ar shaincheisteanna casta a fhorbairt agus a chur ar fáil go tráthúil.
* Séinspreagadh, díograis agus cumas seachadta i gcomhthéacs paraiméadair/riachtanais atá ag athrú.
* Sárscileanna idirphearsanta agus an cumas cruthaithe aige/aici maidir le hoibriú éifeachtach mar chuid d’fhoireann, agus a bheith in ann a c(h)uid oibre féin a shainiú agus a threorú faoi mhaoirseacht íosta.
* Scileanna maithe cumarsáide ó bhéal agus scríofa agus an cumas coincheapa teicniúla a chur in iúl do lucht féachana neamhtheicniúil.
* Paiseanta, duine a théann i ngleic le fadhbanna le díocas agus díograis chun fís agus straitéis na cuideachta a sheachadadh.
* An cumas smaointe nuálacha, réitigh nó bealaí nua a cheapadh agus a thabhairt isteach chun rudaí a dhéanamh le fadhbanna gnó a réiteach fad atá comhoibriú le saineolaithe gnó ag tarlú.
Caidrimh fostaíochta
Agus é/í ag tuairisciú do Cheann na Tacaíochta agus na hAnailíse Córais, le tacaíocht ó Cheann Foirne.
An dáta deiridh chun iarratais a chur isteach
21 Márta 2025
Is Fostóir Comhdheiseanna é EirGrid
We are the people behind Ireland’s electricity grid. Our focus is on safety, security, and reliability. Our work environment is challenging, fast-moving, collaborative and team orientated. Our culture is driven by performance, knowledge, and continual development. And that’s just the beginning of our story. We are now transforming the power system for future generations.
Job Purpose
The Operations Directorate within EirGrid comprises highly skilled professionals with backgrounds in engineering and business/commerce.
Ireland has a target to achieve 80% of our electricity to come from renewable resources by 2030 and to be net carbon neutral by 2050. The Operations Directorate is central to the delivery of our primary role – the operation, development and enhancement of the all-island power system and the wholesale electricity market. Creating a culture of continuous improvement whilst maintaining operational resilience, that drives technical and process innovation is central to delivering on this role.
The System Operations function is responsible for the real time and near time operational activities in the National Control Centre and supporting office on a 24 x 7 basis across Ireland, driving effectiveness and efficiency, embedding transformational change and ensuring EirGrid Group’s core remit is delivered.
This is an excellent opportunity for innovative, solution-focused, resilient, and motivated individuals to join our team and play a key role in the transition to a low carbon energy future.
Our Team
System Support and Analysis Function facilitates the end-to-end operational life cycle of grid connections, from Commissioning, Testing and Registration, through performance monitoring and data feed analysis until decommissioning, while managing the associated Tariffs, Imperfections and Derogations processes. The team ensures Grid Code compliance for all new connections to the grid and for validating plant seeking to provide system services, including developing and executing test requirements as per the Operational Notification process in accordance with the Grid Code. The team carry out daily analysis of all aspects related to the performance of windfarms, solar farms, DSUs, batteries and conventional units to identify and address issues that affect system operation including signalling, failed dispatches, trips, frequency response and the provision of ancillary services in line with contracted values and the relevant Grid and Network Codes. The team aggregate, validate and publish market related data pertinent to participant availability, dispatch instructions and meter data, providing assurance and quality control of same. In certain scenarios, the team will consider the capability of the units to comply with the standards set out in the Grid and Network Codes and may propose for a temporary derogation against them if the Regulatory Authorities deem appropriate. The Team manage the DS3 System Services Qualification assessments along with TUOS and System Services payments. The team also execute techno-economic modelling to evaluate and forecast the costs of operating the power system for revenue recovery. Following consultation with the Regulatory Authorities, this is translated into tariffs and use of system charges. Any imperfections arising from dispatch imbalances and system constraints are also analysed and reported on against the budgeted costs.
Key Responsibilities
The role of Senior Lead Engineer will support the System Support and Analysis function by carrying out a range of power system analyses and project development to execute operational change under our purpose to Transform the power system for future generations. The role holder will lead the analysis of technical and economic problems, propose solutions, prepare presentations and reports for internal and external stakeholder engagement.
Successful applicants will demonstrate an ability to thrive in a fast-paced, highly collaborative work environment and will have the following responsibilities:
* You will lead complex projects, both technical and commercial, which are designed to achieve regulated targets and meet stakeholder needs in line with company requirements. You will analyse the significant change as specified under the Shaping our Electricity Future framework from an operational and market perspective.
* You will lead engagement, influence and coordinate with our key customers and stakeholders to deliver on business strategy and ensure appropriate solutions are identified. This includes working with industry, the Regulatory Authorities and other areas within EirGrid Group to deliver on the Group’s core remit in a cost effective and transparent manner.
* You will act as a thought leader and advocate industry best practices and principles, providing subject matter expert system operations advice and guidance to team and wider company.
* Mentor and develop junior members of the team.
* You will apply your skills, knowledge and experience to effectively deliver on your team’s objectives, overcoming new challenges and technical issues as they arise.
* Using your technical, report writing and verbal communications skills, you will seek out ways to continuously improve the way we work to make it more efficient and effective as well as transparent and easy to understand for both technical and non-technical audiences.
* We’ll also look to you to stay up to date with national, European and international developments in your area.
* You will guide, persuade and influence others through developed skills of communication and diplomacy.
* You will perform all work to a high standard with a focus on on-time delivery, applying process excellence to deliver efficiency and quality output.
* Anticipate and mitigate problems as they arise, escalating where necessary.
* Support the transformation of work practices, processes and procedures in support of the Group Strategy.
* You will approach problem solving with an innovative mindset, being open to a wide range of solutions.
Knowledge, Skills, and Experience
* Engineering degree or equivalent, with a minimum of 6 years post qualification experience.
* Excellent knowledge of electrical power systems and awareness of energy targets and ambitions for decarbonisation of the energy sector.
* Demonstrated experience to carry out power system modelling and analysis using power systems analysis software such as STNET, LSAT, PSS/E, Python, Tableau or Plexos.
* Knowledge of wholesale power markets, market arrangements in the SEM, Great Britain, France and in other European countries.
* Ability to lead and take responsibility for medium/large projects.
* Ability to guide, persuade and influence others through developed skills of communication and diplomacy.
* Excellent organisational skills and strong track record of delivery.
* Strong analysis, judgement and problem-solving skills along with an ability to make decisions and recommendations in a changing and dynamic environment, which balance competing requirements.
* Ability to develop and provide innovative solutions to complex issues in a timely manner.
* Self-motivation, enthusiasm and capable of delivering in the context of changing parameters/requirements.
* Excellent interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work effectively as part of a team, while also being able to define and guide own work under minimal supervision.
* Good oral and written communication skills with the ability to communicate technical concepts to a non-technical audience.
* Passionate, engaging with a drive and enthusiasm to deliver on the company vision and strategy.
* Ability to conceive and introduce innovative ideas, solutions or new ways of doing things to solve business problems, collaborating with business experts along the way.
Job Relationships
Reporting to the Head of System Support and Analysis, supported by a Team Lead.
Closing date for applications
25 March 2025
EirGrid is an Equal Opportunities Employer #J-18808-Ljbffr