The purpose of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Tissue Viability) post is to deliver care in line with the five core concepts of the role set out in the Framework for the Establishment of Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialist Posts (4th edition) National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery (NCNM) (2008). The role of the CNS (Tissue Viability) will be to ensure that the CNS’s specialist knowledge and skills in tissue viability and pressure ulcer care are utilised to facilitate the provision of a quality client focused service that enhances the health status of that population. Working towards the delivery of best practice for all clients will include the planning and provision of in-service training of nursing and midwifery colleagues and other healthcare professionals where appropriate.The CNS (Tissue Viability) will have a pivotal role in meeting the emotional and informational needs of patients with complex wound management issues, their families and significant others. They will act as a key member of the team responsible for the care of this patient group. The CNS (Tissue Viability) will liaise with all health care professionals involved in the management and on-going care of patients who require a tissue viability service. The post holder will have an important educational role and will be heavily involved in the development of quality initiatives relating to tissue viability. The post holder will be expected to maintain and update a database of patients attending the tissue viability service. The CNS in Tissue Viability will be instrumental in the continued roll out of the Pressure Ulcer to Zero initiative HSE collaborative across Cavan Monaghan Hospitals.
Skills & Competencies
1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc.(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition: (i) Be a registered nurse/midwife on the active Register of Nurses and Midwives held by An Bord Altranais and Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be eligible to be so registered. AND (ii) Be registered in the division(s) of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) Register for which the application is being made or be entitled to be so registered. OR (iii) In exceptional circumstances, which will be assessed on a case by case basis be registered in another Division of the register of Nurses and Midwives. AND (iv) Have a minimum of 1 years’ post registration full time experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in the division of the register in which the application is being made (taking into account (ii) (iii) if relevant) AND (v) Have a minimum of 1 years’ experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in specialist area of Tissue Viability Care. AND (vi) Have successfully completed a post registration programme of study, as certified by the education provider which verifies that the applicant has achieved a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic Level 9 or higher award that is relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). Alternatively provide written evidence from the Higher Education Institute that they have achieved the number of ECTS credits equivalent to a Level 9 or higher standard, relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). Tissue Viability Care prior to application* (See **Note 1 below). AND (vii) Be required to demonstrate that they have continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to the specialist area. AND (viii) Have the ability to practice safely and effectively fulfilling his/her professional responsibility within his/her scope of practice **Note 1: For Nurses/Midwives who express an interest in CNS/CMS roles and who currently hold a level 8 educational qualification in the specialist area (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), this qualification will be recognised up to September 2026.And (b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability and clinical, leadership, managerial and administrative capacity for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. 2. Annual registration(i) Practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the appropriate/relevant Division of the register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) for the role.And (ii) Practitioners must confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual Service user Safety Assurance Certificate (PSAC). 3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. 4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Please note that appointment to and continuation in posts that require statutory registration is dependent upon the post holder maintaining annual registration in the relevant division of the register maintained by Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland) by way of the Service user Safety Assurance Certificate (PSAC) Post Specific RequirementsDemonstrate depth and breadth of nursing experience in the specialist area of Tissue Viability, as relevant to the role.Other Post Specific RequirementsAccess to appropriate transport.Job Specification CavMon3152 - Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability March 2025 -Approved