OverviewPost Title: Catering Officer Grade II
Post Status: Temporary
Department: Catering
Location: Beaumont Hospital & Affiliated Sites
Reports to: Catering Manager
Salary: Appointment will be made on the Catering Officer Grade II Scale (€51,206 - €57,503, LSI1 €59,375, LSI2 €61,253) at a point in line with Government pay policy
Hours of work: Full-Time, 35 hours
Closing Date: 12 Noon on 21/03/2025
Please note the hospital reserves the right to close the competition early should a substantial number of applications be received. Job Summary: Catering Officer Grade 2 is responsible for the management and control of operational, hygiene and people management within his/her assigned area of the Catering Department in Beaumont Hospital and St Joseph's Hospital Raheny.
He/she is responsible for ensuring that the production and distribution of food to patients and staff is to the highest standard of safety and quality.
This would include specialised diets, functions and the introduction of new menus as appropriate for patients and staff in conjunction with the Chef Team.
The Officer is responsible for ensuring that the operations of the Catering Department are run in the most efficient manner.
At every opportunity she/he is expected to ensure that Value for Money programmes are exercised and the most cost effective way of delivering catering services is utilised.
The Officer is expected to maintain accurate financial information in relation to all relevant expenditure, including staff and procurement.
The Catering Officer should ensure that the views of patients and staff in relation to the quality, variety and value of meals are constantly sought.
The Officer should deal with customer queries and complaints where appropriate and inform the relevant person of the issues raised.
He/she must ensure that all aspects of HACCP are fully implemented, including ongoing staff training and the maintenance of staff training records in conjunction with Senior Catering Management.
The Catering Officer will be an active leader of his/her team and will ensure that the activities of the team are aligned to achieving the goals of the Catering Department.
Active leadership will involve full engagement with staff to ensure that they are involved in and consulted about the day to day activities and future developments of the department.
ResponsibilitiesPrincipal Duties & Responsibilities: Main Duties: To ensure the highest quality of food quality, presentation and service are achieved and maintained at all times.To liaise with the kitchen team, and assist in the preparation of suitable menus with regard to customer demands, market trends, quality, portion control and cost.To participate in the review of all supplies to the catering department and liaise with stores to ensure that minimum stock levels are maintained.Participate in the purchasing of all non-food and food items.To monitor the quality of goods inwards on a regular basis.To maintain good communications and working relationships with management, colleagues, staff and customers alike.To make recommendations regarding the provision of light and heavy equipment for your assigned area.To organize and cost in advance, the provisions for special functions as required.To review, implement and operate HACCP systems throughout your area, and ensure all staff are trained and systems are strictly monitored.To make recommendations for training as required for all staff.
To coach members of the catering team as appropriate.People Management and Human Resource responsibility: The Officer is responsible for maintaining good communications within the department and encouraging good employee relations.
This is best achieved through the active engagement with staff and consultation on current and future developments.He/she should ensure that staff are aware of all Hospital policies and that these are administered in a fair and reasonable manner.
The Officer should ensure that hospital policies, such as Managing Attendance, Dress Code, Dignity at Work, Code of Conduct, Trust in Care, etc, are implemented in the most effective manner and that constant monitoring of employee compliance is maintained.The Officer is responsible for the performance management of his/her staff in all aspects of their employment.
This would include, though is not limited to, ensuring adherence to the Managing Attendance Policy, ensuring that the employee meets the expected performance standard of the catering department, ensuring induction training is provided for all new and relief staff in your area, ensuring that the Hospitals SOP on Incremental Pay is applied in a fair and equitable manner, dealing with matters of staff discipline in accordance with the hospital Disciplinary Procedure for performance, behavioural and matters of conduct, addressing all grievances legitimately raised with him/her in a manner that is consistent with best practice and the timelines outlined in the Hospital Grievance Procedure, keeping the Deputy Catering Manager informed in relation to staff grievances, discipline issues and staff welfare issues as appropriate, monitoring and controlling of staff entitlements to leave and completing timesheets, absenteeism, and sick leave records, ensuring all staff files are up to date to include relevant letters, references and all other details required by the Catering and Human Resources departments, producing rosters to ensure that the operational needs of the department are resourced, ensuring that all off-duties and absences are addressed to ensure continuity of service, ensuring all weekly wages returns are accurate and returned promptly and that all staff receive correct wages, identifying the training needs of the team, and carry out relevant training, incorporating new ideas, new procedures or changes in work methods, attending all relevant Hospital meetings.Hygiene: To attain and subsequently maintain a high standard of hygiene in respect of the entire delivery, storage food production and food services areas, under your jurisdiction.To establish and manage effective cleaning schedules and records in the areas above.To ensure hygiene standards are attained and maintained in all areas of food handling.To ensure correct cleaning of all equipment is carried out and detailed records established as per the HACCP requirement.To sign off cleaning records on a weekly basis.To be aware of preventative maintenance of equipment thus ensuring the smooth running of the operation, and liaise with the Technical Services Department.Safety: The Officer must ensure compliance with all aspects of the Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Acts.To assist in the compilation of the departmental safety training plan for the coming year.To ensure training sessions encompass all aspects of safety in your section.To manage the risk management process in the catering department.Quality Have overall responsibility within the department for the HACCP system ensuring Policies procedures and Guidelines are in place and audited regularly with corrective action.Create a culture of positively seeking feedback from customers and making changes to meet their requirements.Be visible and present to colleagues and customers visiting wards and patients to get direct feedback on the service.Be aware of the various HIQA and National standards and be proactive in achieving same.Training Report on attendance at training programmes especially mandatory training and ensure compliance meets regulatory requirement.Ensure own professional development in keeping with industry, educational and technical development.The job description is an outline of the post as it is currently perceived by the hospital and will be subject to review and amendment.
This job description will therefore be subject to change in light of the various strategies for the hospital and the development of the Clinical Directorate model and any future developments that arise and will evolve and change over time. QualificationsSelection Criteria: Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post. Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory: Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etcEligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition
(i) Hold the Bachelors of Arts.
NFQ Level 7 in Hospitality Management awarded by Technical University Dublin
OR (ii) Hospitality Studies (Higher Certificate) (Level 6) awarded by the Munster Technical University
OR (iii) A Diploma in Dietetics
OR (iv) An equivalent qualification
OR (v) Be currently employed in the HSE or funded agency as a Catering Officer
AND (vi) Candidates must have at least one year's satisfactory experience in the direction and control of the catering arrangements for an institution or other establishment catering for a minimum of 200 persons per day
OR (vii) Have a total of at least two year's satisfactory experience in the direction and control or in assisting in the direction and control of the catering arrangements for an institution or other establishment catering for a minimum of 200 persons per day
AND (b) All candidates must have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and management ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.
Desirable: A Degree, Diploma or Higher Certificate in Hotel and Catering Management or equivalent.Management Certificate in Food Safety & HACCPExperience in managing a quality food service in accordance with HACCP.Minimum of three years current middle management experience in Healthcare and/or Hospitality sector.Knowledge of and experience in the Management and delivery of National and legislative standards.Proficient in all Microsoft packages: Microsoft Office, Word/ Excel.ECDL or equivalent.Certified Health & Safety Training.Train The Trainer.Experience in preparation for independent audit and/or accreditation.
(Q Mark or equivalent).To assist in the delivery of Performance Management systems.Supplementary information: The Hospital: www.beaumont.ie Management Unit: www.beaumont.ie/hr Other (Please specify): Informal Enquiries ONLY to: (Please note NO APPLICATIONS will be accepted via the Informal Email) Name: Jill O' Neil
Title: Head of Catering
Email address: ******
A short listing exercise may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application.
The criteria for ranking and or short listing are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification.
In the event of a high volume of applications additional shortlisting criteria may be utilised.