Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) is a 150 bedded Tertiary Referral Centre for Maternity, Neonatology and Gynaecology located on the campus of Cork University Hospital.
CUMH incorporates the Obstetric, Gynaecology and Neonatology Services in the Cork University Hospital Group within the Health Service Executive Southern region.
CUMH has approximately 8, 000 births per annum and is a tertiary referral centre.
Services at CUMH are delivered within the SSWHG Maternity Directorate which is based on the principles of partnership and integration and strongly supports the involvement of the multidisciplinary team in service provision.
CUMH is the site for clinical placements for student midwives and student nurses in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes delivered in partnership with University College Cork.
CUMH Services incorporates the use of the MN-CMS (Maternal Newborn Clinical Management System) into care delivered at CUMH.
There are four Maternity Units in the Ireland South Women and Infants Directorate– University Hospital Waterford, University Hospital Kerry, Cork University Maternity Hospital and South Tipperary General Hospital - spanning four of the largest counties in the country.
The Directorate includes Neonatology and Gynaecology as well as Midwifery and Obstetrics.
The Group's Primary Academic partner is University College Cork.
A wide range of educational programmes and research is conducted within all hospitals in the Group.
The theatre suite has four operating theatres which caters for approximately 3500 cases per year; two obstetric theatres, where elective and emergency caesarean sections are carried out, and two gynaecology theatres.
There is also a recovery room and a high dependency unit where women with complications of gynaecology & pregnancy can be looked after in an appropriate environment
Purpose of Post To be responsible for the management, care and treatment of service users, to ensure that the optimum standard of care is provided within the designated area(s) of responsibility.
The primary role of the CNM/CMM 1 will be one of clinical and professional leadership and development in the midwifery/nursing team, including the development of midwifery/nursing staff in Theatre by means of in-service training, orientation of new staff and arranging for clinical experience and supervision of student midwives/nurses where this is appropriate.
Informal Enquiries Name: Lorraine O'Connor,
CMM3 Theatre Suite,
Cork University Maternity Hospital
Tel: 021 4920894 Email:******