Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Senior Occupational Therapist within UCD Access and Lifelong Learning.
The role of UCD Access & Lifelong Learning (ALL) is to support the University to become a diverse and inclusive scholarly community.
As part of our support service for students with a disability a student may be referred for specialist support from an Occupational Therapist.
The post holder will be a member of the wider Access & Lifelong Learning team and will facilitate the support, retention, and progression of under-represented students through a range of inputs and interventions.
The post holder will have specific responsibility for the delivery of a quality, person-centred, occupation-focused Occupational Therapy approach to students with disabilities.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will also assist the wider team in the completion of educational needs assessments and provision of Reasonable Accommodations for students registering for disability support.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will work within an evidence-based service, where the Person-Environment-Occupation Model is used.
Clinical Supervision and appropriate training will be provided.
95 Administrative Officer _X)
Salary Scale:
€51,267 - €69,396 Per Annum Appointment will be made on scale and in accordance with the Department of Finance guidelines.
Closing date: 12:00 noon (local Irish time) on the 31st of January 2025.
Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified.
Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 12:00 noon (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system.
UCD are unable to accept late applications.
UCD do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies.
Any CVs submitted by Recruitment Agencies will be returned.
Tugtar cuireadh d'iarratais ar post sealadach Teiripeoir Saothair Sinsearach laistigh de Rochtain agus Foghlaim ar feadh an tSaoil UCD.
Is é rl Rochtain agus Foghlaim ar feadh an tSaoil (ALL) UCD n tacaocht a thabhairt don Ollscoil a bheith ina pobal scolrtha éagsil agus ionchuimsitheach.
Mar chuid dr seirbhs tacaochta do mhic léinn at faoi mhchumas, féadfar mac léinn a atreor chuig Teiripeoir Saothair le haghaidh saintacaochta.
Beidh an té a cheapfar ina bhall den fhoireann Rochtana agus Foghlama ar feadh an tSaoil nos leithne agus éascidh sé n s tacaocht, coinneil, agus dul chun cinn mac léinn gannionadaithe tr réimse ionchur agus idirghabhlacha.
Beidh an té a cheapfar freagrach go sonrach as cur chuige Teiripe Shaothair at ar ardchaighden, duine-lrnach agus gairmdhrithe a sholthar do mhic léinn faoi mhchumas.
Cabhridh an Teiripeoir Saothair Sinsearach leis an bhfoireann i gcoitinne chun measnuithe ar riachtanais oideachais a chrochn agus Socruithe Réasnacha a sholthar do mhic léinn at ag clr le haghaidh tacaochta do dhaoine faoi mhchumas.
Oibreoidh an Teiripeoir Saothair Sinsearach laistigh de sheirbhs at bunaithe ar fhianaise, a n-sidtear an tSamhail Duine-Timpeallachta-Ghairme inti.
Solthrfar Maoirseacht Chliniciil agus oiliint iomchu.
95 Oifigeach Riarachin _X)
Scla Tuarastail:
€51,267 - €69,396 in aghaidh na bliana Déanfar an ceapachn ar scla agus de réir threoirlnte na Roinne Airgeadais Dta dnta: 12:00 uair (am itiil na hireann) ar 31 M Eanair 2025.
N mr iarratas a bheith istigh faoin am agus dta at sonraithe.
Déanfar aon iarratas at fs ar sil ag an am dnta 12:00 uair (Am itiil na hireann) ar an dta dnta sonraithe a scriosadh go huathoibroch ag an gcras.
N féidir le UCD glacadh le hiarratais dhéanacha.
Nl cnamh ag teastil UCD Ghnomhaireachta Earcaochta.
Seolfar ar ais aon CV a chuir na Gnomhaireachta Earcaochta isteach.
To be considered for this role you will be redirected to and must complete the application process on our careers page.
To start the process click the Apply button below to Login/Register.