Six Health Regions have been established within the HSE, on the basis of the geographical boundaries agreed by the Government in July 2019 and they will be operational from 2024.
Each Health Region will be tasked with population-specific planning resourcing and delivery of health and social care services for the needs of its unique population.
This will result in improved accountability and governance in terms of finance and performance, while also bringing decision-making closer to the frontline.
Health Regions will enable and empower staff to provide services that are:
· Integrated, locally planned and delivered
· Easier to access and navigate
· Available closer to home
Health Regions are geographically-based units with clearly defined populations.
They align community and hospital services within specific areas.
The HSE will retain a strong but leaner central organisation, with more service provision developed at a local level.
The HSE South West Health Region will manage and deliver all public health and social care services in Cork and Kerry.
HSE South West includes all hospital and community healthcare services in the region.
This includes:
· South / South West Hospital Group S/SWHG
· Cork Kerry Community Healthcare CKCH
The Department of Population and Public Health is also now aligned with this health region.
Services in the South West health region:
HSE Services working within this region include:
· Acute Hospitals
· Primary care services
· Community services
· Social care services
· Health and social care professionals
· Voluntary sector services
South / South West Hospital Group and Cork Kerry Community Healthcare will become part of HSE South West Health Region from 3rd March, 2025.
University Hospital Kerry is the second largest of the Health Service Executive – South/South west Area's seven acute hospitals.
The hospital provides acute general hospital services to the population of Co. Kerry (139,616) and additionally, to a proportion of the populations of West Limerick and North Cork.
Services Include:
•Emergency Medicine
•Ear, Nose & Throat Services
•General Medicine including Medicine of the Elderly & Endocrinology
•General Surgery
•Gynaecology (Colposcopy & Urodynamics)
•Paediatric including Special Baby Care Unit
•Radiography including C.T.
Scanning Service.
•Renal Dialysis Satellite Unit
•Oncology Satellite Unit
•Palliative Care
Purpose of Post To administrate and manage Informatics for Nursing projects across the UHK directorates involving desiging developing selecting testing implementing and evaluating new or modified systems data structures to assist in improved patient process .
Manage decision-support mechanisms to support patients, health care professionals, and their information management and human-computer and human-technology interactions within health care contexts.
Informal Enquiries Ms Carol Mannix Director of Nursing University Hospital Kerry,
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