We.R.play is looking for a 3D artist. The ideal candidate should have experience in modeling and texturing with knowledge of Unity game pipeline. A solid grasp of form, structure, color, and light is essential. The ideal candidate should be passionate about making games.
1. Experience in modeling and texturing environments using Blender, 3ds Max, Vray, and Photoshop (or equivalent 3D and 2D programs)
2. Advanced modeling, UV unwrapping, lighting, and materials techniques knowledge for optimized game quality
3. Able to recreate environments based on concept sketches and reference imagery
4. Troubleshooting 3D/Unity issues and problem-solving skills
5. An exceptional understanding of form, shape, structure, and silhouette in regard to modeling along with polished texturing skills
6. Self-motivation, good communication skills, and a great team-player attitude
7. A passion for games
8. The candidate should have prior experience in game production and Unity 3D integration.
1. Experience using Zbrush and Mudbox
2. Basic animation