SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority of Ireland, was established on 27 October 2013 and its mission is to fund, co-ordinate and monitor a range of Further Education and Training (FET) provisions that is responsive to the needs of learners and employers.
It is an agency of the recently formed Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.
SOLAS works in close collaboration with Education and Training Boards (ETBs) across Ireland on provision of high-quality further education and training, equipping learners with relevant skills and knowledge, and providing a pipeline of talent into employment and to the Irish economy and society.
At SOLAS, we put the learner, employers and communities, which FET serves, at the heart of everything we do.
Working with sister agencies, SOLAS leads actions in key policy and strategy documents including the most recent Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy 2020 2024, the evaluation of the National Youthreach Programmes (2019), the National Skills Strategy 2025 and the People Strategy 2020-2024 and others.
Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) is Irelands 10-year literacy, numeracy and digital literacy Strategy that aims to ensure that every adult has the necessary literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to fully engage in society and realise their potential; and support organisations and services to be literacy friendly and fully accessible to adults with unmet needs.
SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority of Ireland, was tasked with developing the ALL Strategy and houses the ALL Strategy National Programme Office.
The role of the ALL Strategy National Programme Office is operate as a central coordinating body across Government departments and other relevant stakeholders.
Ensuring a cross-Government and whole-of-society approach, the National Programme Office will comprise a number of sectoral lead roles.
The positions of Education and Health leads are in place.
We are now looking to recruit sectoral lead roles in the following areas for the National Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Programme Office: Family Literacy (1 year fixed term contract) Health Literacy (3 year fixed term contract) Role Summary The Family Literacy and Health Literacy Leads will be integral roles in the National Programme Office.
Family Literacy is central to breaking intergenerational disadvantage and literacy issues and improves health and wellbeing.
It is proven to be a valuable route into education for adults with unmet literacy needs, and a route to a variety of new literacies, including digital and health.
It is the key link between the ALL Strategy and the Department of Educations Literacy, numeracy and digital literacy strategy for children and young people.
Having lower levels of health literacy is associated with poorer outcomes related to lifestyle, income, health status and health and wellbeing, as well as higher use of certain health services.
17% of adults in Ireland understand little of the information they receive from their family doctor, nurse or pharmacist (ALL commissioned research, November 2023).
The Family Literacy Lead will have specific responsibility for the Family Literacy thematic group has representatives from across statutory and NGO stakeholders.
The group wasestablished by the ALL National Programme Office in 2024 to coordinate a national familyliteracy response.
The Family Literacy Lead will lead and support the work of the thematic group The Health Literacy Lead will continue the work of the ALL National Programme Office in developing health literacy across the three key areas of personal, organisational and community health literacy.
They will represent ALL on the Department of Healths Health Literacy Liaison Group and build on and maintain links with key health stakeholders such as HSE, Slaintecare, Healthy Ireland, health and social care services, professional bodies and others.
Key Task/Responsibilities The sectoral lead positions will have accountability and management responsibility for the following: Work with the National Programme Office Director, sectoral lead colleagues and the network of Regional Literacy Coordinators, to ensure an effective, cross-Government and cross-societal approach is adopted to address all of the learning and support needs required.
Analyse and map the current role of their relevant sectoral area in meeting unmet literacy,numeracy and digital literacy needs (e.g.
local authorities, community and voluntary and community development organisations, FET sector) Review and develop proposals on the role of their sectoral area in supporting access to family literacy and health literacy support.
Promote and drive activity to address unmet literacy needs of those furthest behind, including through developing supports, sharing good practice and making resources available.
Identify key target groups and coordinate targeted initiatives to address specific challenges and needs at regional and national level.
In consultation with stakeholders, develop consistent referral protocols in their sectoral area to ensure organisations effectively link individuals to literacy, numeracy and digital literacy learning and support required.
Increase awareness of unmet family and health literacy needs and ensure that all appropriate information in relation to the delivery of the ALL strategy is communicated to relevant stakeholders.
Work closely with the network of Regional Literacy Coordinators, and support development of National and Regional Literacy Plans to ensure they adequately reflect the potential role and contribution of all stakeholders and the needs of the most at-risk target groups.
Participate in the National Literacy Coalition and work with Coalition members in implementing the ALL Strategy, establishing and leading thematic networks or working groups as required.
Assume responsibility for individual National Programme Office programmes and/or projects as required.
Any other duties which may be specified from time to time.
Additional sectoral lead-specific responsibilities: The Family Literacy Leadwill have specific responsibility for the Family Literacy thematic group.
This group has representatives from across statutory and NGO stakeholders.
The group was established by the ALL National Programme Office in 2024 to coordinate a national family literacy response.
The Family Literacy Lead will lead and support the work of the thematic group.
The Health Literacy Lead will continue the work of the ALL National Programme Office in developing health literacy across the three key areas of personal, organisational and community health literacy.
They will represent ALL on the Department of Healths Health Literacy Liaison Group and build on and maintain links with key health stakeholders such as HSE, Slaintecare, Healthy Ireland, health and social care services, professional bodies and others.
Requirements Essential At least five years of experience in a relevant role and field.
For Community Outreach andCommunications Lead, relevant roles include outreach, development and communicationsand relevant fields include NGO, local authority, community and voluntary or communitydevelopment sector.
For Numeracy Lead, adult numeracy teaching and learning.
ForWorkplace Literacy Lead, adult literacy or adult education teaching and learning, ideally withworkplace training experience.
Excellent working understanding of the relevant sectoral area (local authority, community andvoluntary or community development sector; adult numeracy provision landscape; unmetliteracy, numeracy and digital literacy needs in the workplace).
A qualification in a relevant discipline for the role, or relevant management work experience.
Demonstrated ability to take a system-wide approach and see connections, risk, and thepotential for innovation in the wider environment.
Ability to build and support complex cross-functional and inter-agency teams or networks.
An excellent understanding of the strategic use and application of both quantitative andqualitative research.
Broad understanding of continuous development, innovation and achievement of resultsagainst objectives in career to date.
Exemplary public service values including the highest standard of professional integrity andoperating with probity.
Excellent written and spoken communication skills, as well as strong IT skills.
Self-starter attributes, possessing the necessary drive and resilience.
Desirable Proven experience in a significant change programme in a relevant setting.
Demonstrated achievement in the management of a variant and diversified portfolio in a devolved management structure.
These are a 1 year fixed term position and a 3 year fixed term position for which the salary scale ranges from€72,970 to €92,343 per annum (inclusive of two long service increments) for a 35-hour week.
Starting pay will be at the minimum point of the scale as per Government Circular E100/8/82.
Exceptional circumstances may apply for candidates with current service in the Civil/Public service.
SOLAS offers an excellent benefit package including a contributory pension scheme and the opportunity for further training and development.
Applications using the SOLAS Application Form which can be downloaded from our website, must be submitted through quoting reference number558, by Friday, 04 April 2025.
A Blended Working policy is in place and an arrangement is available to request with this role, a minimum requirement of 2 days per week in the office (Castleforbes House, Dublin 1).
One of the days being the SOLAS Anchor Day - Wednesday.
Please note that as a public sector employee, you must reside in the Irish jurisdiction to avail of blended working, and in accordance with Department Public Expenditure and Reform (DPENDR) requirements, you must be available to attend in person if and when required.
SOLAS is an equal opportunities employer.
Canvassing will disqualify.
Benefits: Paid Holidays Work Life Balance Employee Assistance Programme Cycle To Work Scheme TravelPass Scheme Health and Wellbeing Initiatives