The Area Director of Nursing Mental Health is the Head of Nursing and is responsible and accountable for the provision and supervision of nursing services and associated services in the Mental Health Services.
The position requires a strategic approach to the development of Nursing and associated services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the management of change necessary to achieve organisational objectives and to comply with the statutory and regulation including Mental Health Commission standards.
This post will require strong leadership and change management skills to participate in the implementation of the ongoing translation to the Model of Service Delivery recommended in A Vision for Change and successor policies Sharing the Vision including National Clinical Care Programs, within the level of available resources.
This model is predicated on interdisciplinary working with nursing as a major component in achieving this outcome.
The Area Director of Nursing Mental Health is responsible for the delivery of an efficient, effective, caring and patient focused nursing service.
The Area Director of Nursing Mental Health will have a role in team leadership, service planning, co-ordinating, and management of activity and resources within the service area.
The Area Director of Nursing Mental Health will ensure patient safety and quality assurance throughout the service in line with best practice
Please ensure you download, save and read the Job Specification & Additional Campaign Information.
Both of these documents are located at the bottom of this advertisement.
We strongly recommend that you read the Job Specification associated with post before completing your application form.
A guide to completing competency questions is available in Appendix 1 attached at the bottom of this advertisement.
It is strongly recommended that you read the guide before completing this section of your application form.
All question areas must be completed.
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