Programme Assistants - Relief Staff Adult Day Services RELIEF Contracts available ONLY Saint John of God Community Services Dublin South East Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community that they live.
Saint John of God Dublin South East invites applications for the position of Programme Assistant in our Day Services based in the South Dublin area, to provide support to individuals with an intellectual disability.
Candidates should have the following:
At leastFetac/QQIlevel 5 Qualification e.g.
Social Care/Training/Education/Teaching etcideally planning on working towards alevel 6 Commitment to a Person Directed Planning approach The ability to identify and develop peoples natural support networks,work and social roles The ability to facilitate and support service-users, including people with complex needs, in both service based and community programmes.
Knowledge of relevant national legislation and policy e.g.
New Directions Excellent communication, organisational, interpersonal and teamwork skills Must have a full manual driving license(please be advised that this is essential for the role and must be stated clearly in your application) We are looking for goodcommunicatorswho have the interest and ability tojoin the teamsupporting the men and women of Dublin South East toGO FOR WHAT THEY WANT IN LIFE
Examples of what people want are:training, work, independent living skills, socialising, friendship building, independent and supported travelling skills.
Programs are currently adapted to support safety and wellbeing of the men, women and the staff.
Day Programs are in some cases delivered from the residential setting.
Please contact Lia O Shea - CVs must provide full details of all relevant experience.
Any gaps in CVs should be clarified.
Shortlisting will apply.
Compassion Excellence Justice Respect Saint John of God Community Services CLG is an equal opportunities employer.
We operate HSE (Health Service Executive) funded services across Intellectual Disability, Adult Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Hospitality Respect Compassion Skills:
social care CORU registration relief