Post Title:Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Post Status:Specified PurposeDepartment:Patient Flow Location:Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9Reports to:CNM 3 Salary:Appointment will be made on CNM 2 Payscale (€60,854 - €76,897) at a point in line with Government pay policy.Hours of work:Full time 37.5 hours Closing Date:Friday 21st March 2025 @ 12 noon Please note the hospital reserves the right to close the competition early should a substantial number of applicants be received. Position Summary: The Patient Flow Managers role is to assist in the timely movement of patients through a set of points of care within a health care facility which compile of the entire patient journey. The role involves ensuring the overall patient flow process is effective and delays are minimised to an acceptable level-target, or eliminated where possible on a daily basis. The patient journey includes pre-admission, admission, placement & allocation of patients to appropriate available beds, followed by a number of points of care incorporating a discharge plan which is planned and implemented to facilitate the transfer of a patient from the hospital to an alternative setting. This applies to both scheduled & unscheduled patients. The Patient Flow Manager is responsible for monitoring the allocation of available beds within the hospital. Physicians, Nursing staff, Health and Social Care Professionals must work in tandem the with Patient Flow Department to ensure gaps in discharge planning services are minimised and duplication of efforts are eradicated. He or she will work with the Emergency Department, Outpatients and Directorate Teams in maximising patient throughput and utilisation of available hospital beds and also ensuring all beds available to the hospital in other facilities (off site) are utilised in the most efficient and effective manner.
KEY TASKS 1. Working with Clinicians, Ward Managers, Directorate Nurse Managers, Management and other clinical staff, to admit patients to the hospital as rapidly as possible and into appropriate beds where possible.2. To manage the split of urgent/emergency and elective beds to effect the daily placement of unscheduled and scheduled admissions efficiently. To work with appropriate members of Interdisciplinary Teams inclusive but not exhaustive of medical, health & social care professionals along with nursing staff to ensure flexible utilisation of beds in times of bed crises.3. To facilitate and help minimise bed crises by planning effectively and helping others to plan effectively. To maintain an accurate and timely knowledge of bed availability using the “Visual Hospital” lean methodology. To ensure that beds are assigned for patient care in real time and in accordance with hospital policies.4. To co-ordinate & record real time information relating to all patients discharge status to ensure the most efficient utilisation of beds occurs & to ensure delays are identified, highlighted and actioned to minimise same. To support communication within and across all specialties to ensure efficient admission and discharge of patients.5. To monitor bed occupancy and planned discharges, being responsible for finding beds for emergency admissions during working hours and identifying beds for emergency admissions out of hours.6. To collaborate with management information systems in collating data on the frequency of peaks and troughs of bed usage etc. in order that the hospital management can be better informed and work towards more effective bed utilisation, planning of theatre lists and other services demands.7. Liaise closely with Consultants, Ward staff, Nursing & Hospital Management in relation to length of stay analyses.8. Perform such other duties appropriate to the office that may be required from time to time.9. To understand and gain in-depth knowledge relating to the Long Term Care process & delayed discharges and be flexible to support and work collaboratively with Long Term Care co-ordinators when required.KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIESDECISION MAKINGThe Patient Flow Manager must have the ability to make decisions in a timely fashion with the best interest of the patient in mind using all their available information. ANALYTICALThe Patient Flow Manager will have the ability to manage and co-ordinate the placement of patients into appropriate beds with maximal efficiency. He/she will have the understanding and foresight to predict and plan necessary bed movements to ensure the best possible care for patients at all times. COMMUNCIATIONThe Patient Flow Manager will have exemplary communication skills that will enable them to communicate clearly and effectively between the many disciplines that have a role in efficient bed management within the hospital. He/she will have the skill and judgement to use their communication skills to best effect in developing working relationships between all concerned.STRESS MANAGEMENTThe Patient Flow Manager will have the necessary skills and abilities to handle the sometimes conflicting agendas and competing demands that are integral to the efficient management of admissions and discharges within the hospital.STRATEGIC AWARENESSThe Patient Flow Manager will have an understanding of the Irish health service and the effect of external forces upon the hospital in relation to admissions, discharges and length of stay. He/she will understand the difficulties of working with limited resources and the reliance by the hospital on external funding sources for continued activity. SERVICE PLANNINGThe Patient Flow Manager will understand the need for and the implementation of service planning and its effect on overall hospital activities.The person will be dynamic, energetic and enthusiastic. They will have a keen desire to develop and maintain systems that promote maximum efficiency within the hospital. They will be willing to innovate and adapt as part of a crisis management and they will have the skills to work together with others to preserve a team approach to the management of patient throughput in Beaumont Hospital. The job description indicates the main functions and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment. Other specific work not covered in this job description may also be assigned by the Director of Nursing from time to time.
Selection Criteria:Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post.Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory:1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition:(i) Are registered in the relevant division of the Register of Nurses & Midwivesmaintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) (BordAltranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) or entitled to be so registered.(ii) Have at least 5 years post registration experience (or an aggregrate of 5 yearsfulltime post registration experience) of which 2 years must be in the specialityor related area.(iii) Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly dischargethe functions of the role.(iv) Candidates must demonstrate evidence of continuous professional development.(b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard ofsuitability and clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge thefunctions of the role.2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the relevantdivision of the Register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann).(ii) Confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual PatientSafety Assurance Certificate (PSAC).3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate areasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Further Information for Candidates Supplementary information:The Hospitalwww.beaumont.ieManagement Unit:www.beaumont.ie/hr Informal Enquiries ONLY to: Name:Siobhan GallagherTitle:Head of Patient Flow Email address:siobhangallagher@beaumont.ieTelephone:(01) 8528646