This post is 1 year (maternity leave locum cover) to commence 1st April 2025.
Locum Consultant Clinical Microbiologist (37 hours) covering Galway University Hospitals (GUH)(19 hours/week), Portiunucula University Hospital (PUH) (12 hours/week)and Roscommon University Hospital (RUH) (6 hours/week).
Post is based at GUH with one day attendance on site alternate weeks in PUH and once month at RUH.
This post works as part of a team of 7 WTE consultant microbiologists with 3 Specialist Registrars (SpR) providing 24/7 cover to all sites.
Eligibility criteria: Applicants must be registered as a specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in the specialty of microbiology; if applicant has completed specialist training but not registered, written evidence of application to Medical Council Specialist Register should be provided.
Applications from SpRs, within 26 weeks (6 months) of certification of completion of specialist training, are welcome if evidence of same is provided from the relevant recognised postgraduate medical training body.
Informal Enquiries: Dr. Deirbhile Keady, Consultant Microbiologist, GUH ****** (M) 08704450528