HSE Mid- West are currently recruiting for the role of Clinical Skills Facilitator (CNM2) Cancer Services.
Location of the Post:
HSE Mid West Acute Hospitals – University Hospital Limerick.
There is currently one permanent, part-time position available in the Cancer Services Directorate, University Hospital Limerick. A panel may be formed as a result of this campaign for Clinical Skills Facilitator – Cancer Services, HSE Mid West from which current and future, permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Purpose of the Post:
The Clinical Skills Facilitator (CNM2) Cancer Services will:
1. Educate all nursing staff and allied staff, including the introduction and orientation of new staff to the speciality and maintain an effective learning environment.
2. Identify the educational needs within the assigned Department in collaboration with Clinical Nurse Manager3, Nursing Practice Development Unit and Nurse Education centre.
3. Maintain a mechanism of recording and co-ordinating ongoing education.
4. Act as a preceptor/mentor and coach to nursing staff and other allied professionals.
5. Assess, Plan, Organise, Supervise, Evaluate and Monitor quality nursing standard and foster advanced evidence-based clinical practice and clinical learning environment.
6. Foster staff empowerment and increase autonomy over learning.
7. Assist all nursing personnel to maintain high levels of competence by enabling them to identify their professional goals, provide feedback, and facilitate achievement of personal development outcomes.
8. Support and participate in clinical audit within the hospital and promote same within the assigned department.
9. Provide Facilitation and co-ordination for Foundation Course & Post Graduate Diploma & Masters level delivered in programmes in third level institutions Cancer care.
10. Align our education framework with that of the NCCP’s strategy and Educational Framework for Nurses Caring with Cancer in Ireland (2012).
Informal Enquiries:
Name: Deirdre Ryan
Job Title: Assistant Director of Nursing Cancer Services Directorate
Email: deirdrec.ryan@hse.ie
Phone: 087-4433943