Woodie's is the market-leading DIY, Home & Garden retailer in Ireland with 35 stores nationwide and an online presence. We are proud to be listed as one of the Top 75 Best Workplaces in Europe by Great Places to Work and an official Best Workplace for Women for the past three years! We are also recognised by the Irish Centre for Diversity & Inclusion as an accredited Investor in Diversity.
We are currently recruiting for a Horticulturist Executive to join our Commercial Team.
Key Responsibilities:
* Listing new product lines, processing purchase orders and ensuring timely deliveries for promotional and seasonal lines.
* Managing the supplier price file and ensuring that any price queries that do arise are dealt with.
* Allocating stock on a weekly basis to ensure high availability of key seasonal lines.
* Tracking orders and following up with suppliers to ensure that our stock is shipped when we want it to be.
* Identify & report on garden centre sales performance for 35 branches across Ireland.
* Coordinate with all internal stakeholders i.e Finance, Supply chain, Space planning, operations and communicate category updates.
* Support with carrying out market analysis and identify opportunities and weaknesses within ranges.
* Support with carrying out range reviews on categories and plan new range launches.
* Identify & organise promotional opportunities.
Experience and Skills:
* Proven experience of working within a garden centre business is preferred, but not essential.
* Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel & PowerPoint.
* Sound commercial awareness and numerical analysis capabilities.
* Ability to organise work effectively and meet deadlines in a fast-paced office environment.
* Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
* Detail-oriented with a strong work ethic, and commercial drive.
* Can do solution-based approach with dedication and drive to meet tight deadlines.
* An interest in the Horticulture industry is preferred.
Our Benefits include:
* Hybrid Working
* Annual bonus scheme
* Wellness initiatives
* Colleague Discount
* Healthcare
* Company pension