FULLY FURNISHED CHILDCARE ROOM TO RENT Location Stonebridge Community Facility is located in Stonebridge housing estate Shankill Dublin D18 FH04
Description The Community Centre has a self-contained child-care space with toilets and WHB.
The room is 532 sq ft and has an outdoor play area attached to the building with a separate entrance for children arriving and leaving the service.
The space is available 5 days per week, Monday – Friday, and the opening hours of the building are from 9 am – 6 pm.
As this Community Centre is owned by Dunlaoghaire Rathdown County Council and operated by Shanganagh Park House Management Committee, the occupier would need to continue as a Community Childcare Service offering Community Rates and the National Childcare Scheme and the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme.
Application Procedure Applications are sought from experienced crèche/pre-school operators who have previously managed or owned an early years' service.
Successful candidates must hold a Level 6 or higher in Early Learning and Care.
The successful applicant will pay rent to Stonebridge Community Facility, and the lease will be reviewed annually.
The registration and running of the service will be the responsibility of the successful applicant and must comply with all Tusla and HSE requirements.
Applications will need to include a C.V/Qualifications and a letter of interest to:
Linda Houlden
****** or posted to:
Shanganagh Park House Community Centre
Rathsallagh Avenue
D18 AY26