The Office of Public Works now invites applications for two positions in Trim National Monuments Depot, Newtown, Trim, Co. Meath, C15 K8V0.
The positions are:
1. Storekeeper Clerk in Charge
2. Storekeeper Clerk Grade 1
The following are the essential eligibility requirements required in order to be considered for either position of Storekeeper Clerk in Charge or Storekeeper Clerk.
Essential Eligibility Requirements for both positions
Candidates must, at the closing date, meet the following requirements:
* A current full, clean manual driving licence, category B & W;
Note: * (1) If your Irish driving licence is restricted to driving cars with an automatic transmission only (denoted by the code 78 appearing on the licence), you are not eligible. (2) From 1 January 2021 if you are resident in Ireland and hold a UK/NI driving licence, it is no longer valid to drive on here in Ireland. It is not legal for driving purposes and must therefore be exchanged. It is vital that you have a valid driving licence and that you are legally allowed to drive in Ireland by exchanging a UK/NI licence for an Irish driving licence. Further information available on:
Desirable Eligibility Requirements
* Excellent ICT Skills;
* Experience in Payroll and Office Administration;
* Storekeeper Experience;
* A current Safepass card;
Note: Where a current safe pass card is not available, it will be a requirement of this role that the successful candidate will successfully complete a Safepass Course immediately after appointment.
Candidates should note that the admission to a competition does not imply that the Office of Public Works is satisfied that they fulfil the essential entry requirements. Therefore, the onus is on candidates to ensure that they meet these requirements prior to submitting their applications.
The ideal candidate must:
* Be well organised and careful with practical tasks;
* Have excellent communications skills and work as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
* Have ability to deal well with the public.
The ideal candidate should have the ability to:
* Solve problems and use their own initiative;
* Work independently and as part of a team;
* Show a committed and flexible attitude to tasks and projects;
* Demonstrate good work practices including time keeping, tidiness, responsibility, quality awareness and safety awareness.
The Storekeeper Clerk in Charge will be responsible for the full range of Storekeeper Clerk duties together with the following:
Principal Duties and Skills
The following list of duties and skills is not exhaustive but indicative of the role of Storekeeper Clerk in Charge.
* Supervisory role over Storekeeper Clerk Grade 1;
* Liaise with and take advice and direction from the Foreperson/District Works Manager on all issues arising in relation to the management of staff, budgets, finances and other resources;
* Manage time-keeping, punctuality, attendance at work, and any pay related reports and records of staff within your charge;
* Maintain discipline, foster a team spirit, and ensure that the output of staff and the quality of their work are satisfactory;
* Monitor, check and organise work;
* Day to day management of the depot office and stores;
* Liaise with own supervisor/management for the purpose of carrying out instructions and reporting;
* Ensure accurate recording and maintenance of HR management records;
* Adapting to new technology/methods as required;
* Complying with all H&S procedures as directed;
* Carrying out other duties as assigned by the District Works Manager/Foreperson which are considered appropriate to the grade.
Requirements and Principal Duties of a Storekeeper Clerk Grade 1
Note: The following list, which is not exhaustive, sets out the broad range of duties that may be required to be undertaken by a Storekeeper Clerk Grade 1 at National Monuments Depot. Variances in the requirements of individual posts will reflect the management and operational requirements of individual sites and areas of work.
* Preparation of wages (Operational Staff);
* Calculating wages in line with current regulations and pay agreements;
* Processing wages details through the payroll computer system;
* Closely liaise with Accounts Division and comply with accounts requirements;
* Answering all queries that may arise from the processing of wages.
* Possess and apply a thorough knowledge of procurement matters in order to help ensure compliance;
* Undertake a key role in the procurement process including use of relevant systems and software;
* Responsible for ensuring access/availability of all procurement documentation including ongoing maintenance of all procurement related records.
* Collection and processing of work orders as necessary;
* Ensuring orders are delivered and received in line with best practice;
* Ensuring relevant paperwork is forwarded to Accounts Section;
* Maintaining detailed records of all items held in Stores.
Personnel Records
* Maintaining complete and accurate personnel files and records, including sick leave, annual leave and attendance record cards;
* Closely liaise with HR Division and comply with HR management requirements;
* Maintaining and keeping up-to-date the appropriate databases;
* Keeping up-to-date with relevant regulations, circulars, notices and policy documents.
General Duties
* Maintaining detailed records of all items held in Stores;
* Maintaining detailed records of all items issued including items for repair and on loan;
* Ensuring the Stores are open for business at the designated times;
* Ensuring all Stores areas, Office areas and Canteen are secure at all times;
* Ensuring all visitors report to Reception prior to entering Stores area unless agreed by prior arrangement;
* Provide access to Stores, gas, ESB, etc., and to contractors and personnel as may be required;
* Maintaining the safekeeping and orderly storage of all supplies within your area of charge;
* Displaying and circulating notices, etc. received by email;
* Any other duties considered appropriate to the Grade which may be assigned to him/her by the District Works Manager, the Storekeeper Clerk in Charge and by any other person to whom relevant authority has been delegated/assigned;
* Reporting to the District Works Manager immediately he/she finds himself/herself unable to carry out his/her duties or responsibilities;
* Carrying out duties to the instruction and programme arranged by the District Works Manager and the Storekeeper Clerk in Charge.
Other Skills and Competencies
* Excellent ICT skills;
* The ability to effectively organise and prioritise;
* Excellent organisational, diary management and administrative skills;
* Excellent communication, interpersonal and numeric skills;
* Excellent accuracy and attention to detail.
The Storekeeper Clerk is required to:
* Demonstrate flexibility consistent with the needs of the service;
* Closely liaise and co-operate with the Supervisor/Manager, including prompt and regular reporting to the Supervisor/Manager on operational matters;
* Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the key responsibilities of the job;
* Remain calm while working under pressure and make sound judgements;
* Work on own initiative in accordance with manager instructions whilst being an effective part of a larger team;
* Apply excellent and effective interpersonal and communication skills involving a professional, polite and courteous manner while presenting a positive image of the OPW when dealing with colleagues, management and the public;
* Apply a positive, flexible and proactive approach to work allied with an ability to deliver an effective work presence;
* Carry out all work in an efficient and safe manner, in accordance with the directions of the Supervisor/Manager, with regard to self, colleagues and the public through understanding, observance and application of Health and Safety requirements;
* Successfully undertake training as and when required;
* Be capable of meeting the full range of the requirements of the position;
* Carry out other duties deemed by the Supervisor/Manager as reasonable and appropriate to the grade and to the position;
* Co-operate with the operation of and introduction of new work practices and technology.