Applications are invited for a permanent post of Farm Worker within UCD Lyons Farm.
Applications are invited for two Farm Workers for UCD's 245-hectare mixed enterprise farm, which provides support for the Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine teaching and research programmes.
The appointee will report to the Director, UCD Lyons Farm or nominee, and day-to-day duties will include general farm maintenance, care/feeding of livestock across a range of enterprises (cattle, horses, sheep, goats), including rostered weekend milking, assistance with research/teaching activities, assisting with tillage operations and machinery operation.
The appointee will work closely with a team of skilled people and independently as needed.
Successful applicants will have previous experience in a practical farming situation and have a strong work ethic.
A nationally recognised Agricultural Qualification, at least to level 5 Certificate in Agriculture or equivalent will be an advantage.
The successful applicants will assist in the operation of the farm to the level appropriate for the requirements of the University.
Salary Range:
€ €718.78 Per Weekly Appointment will be made on scale and in accordance with the Department of Finance guidelines Closing date: 12:00 noon (local Irish time) on 28/02/2025 Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified.
Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 12:00 noon (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system.
UCD are unable to accept late applications.
UCD do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies.
Any CVs submitted by Recruitment Agencies will be returned.
Tugtar cuireadh d'iarratais ar post buan Oibr Feirme laistigh de Feirm Lyons UCD.
Cuirtear filte roimh iarratais ar bheirt Oibrithe Feirme i dtaca le feirm fiontar measctha 245 heicter de chuid UCD, lena solthratear tacaocht do chlir thaighde agus theagaisc maidir le hEolaocht Talmhaochta agus le Leigheas Tréidliachta.
Beidh an té a cheapfar freagrach don Stirthir, Feirm Lyons UCD n ainmn, agus i measc na ndualgas laethil beidh na nithe seo a leanas: cothabhil ghinearlta na feirme, cram/beath an bheostoic ar fud réimse fiontar (eallach, capaill, caoirigh, gabhair), lena n-irtear blen uainchlir ag deireadh na seachtaine, cabhr le gnomhaochta taighde/teagaisc, cabhr le hoibrochta curaochta agus feidhmi innealra.
Oibreoidh an té a cheapfar go dlth le foireann oilte agus go neamhsplech de réir mar is g. Beidh taith phraiticiil feirmeoireachta agus eitic lidir oibre ag iarrthir a n-éireofar leo.
Beidh Cilocht Talmhaochta a aithntear go nisinta, Teastas i dTalmhaocht ar leibhéal 5 ar a laghad n a choibhéis, mar bhuntiste.
Cabhridh iarrthir a n-éireofar leo le feidhmi na feirme go dt an leibhéal cu chun crocha na hOllscoile.
€ €718.78 In aghaidh na Seachtaine Déanfar an ceapachn ar scla agus de réir threoirlnte na Roinne Airgeadais Dta dnta: 12:00 uair (am itiil na hireann) ar 28/02/2025 N mr iarratas a bheith istigh faoin am agus dta at sonraithe.
Déanfar aon iarratas at fs ar sil ag an am dnta 12:00 uair (Am itiil na hireann) ar an dta dnta sonraithe a scriosadh go huathoibroch ag an gcras.
N féidir le UCD glacadh le hiarratais dhéanacha.
Nl cnamh ag teastil UCD Ghnomhaireachta Earcaochta.
Seolfar ar ais aon CV a chuir na Gnomhaireachta Earcaochta isteach.
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