Cork University Hospital (CUH) is a public hospital owned and managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and is a member of the South/South West Hospital Group. Cork University Hospital also forms part of the Cork University Hospitals Group (CUHG) which includes Mallow General Hospital and Bantry General Hospital.
Successful candidates will be required to commence on Monday 14th July 2025.
CUH is a tertiary referral centre for breast cancer and benign breast surgery. We treat patients referred to the symptomatic breast clinic as well as breast cancer patients diagnosed through the national breast screening programme. The service has a busy elective workload, comprising daily clinics and operating theatre sessions. We also provide an emergency on-call service for acute breast conditions. Registrars and SHOs attached to the service staff the elective breast surgery commitments Monday-Friday, during daytime hours. They are also expected to partake in the General Surgery On-Call rota, covering acute general, breast and vascular surgery overnight and at weekends.
The newly established HSE South West health region will manage and deliver all public health and social care services in:
* Cork
* Kerry
More than 700,000 people live in this region.
HSE South West includes all hospital and community healthcare services in the region. This includes:
* South / South West Hospital Group
* Cork Kerry Community Healthcare
The Department of Population and Public Health, HSE South West is also now aligned with this health region.
HSE South / South West Hospital Group:
The South/ South West Hospital Group (S/SWHG) has responsibility for the provision of acute hospital care for the population across Cork and Kerry.
The S/SWHG consists of 5 statutory hospitals and 2 voluntary hospitals.
* Mercy University Hospital (MUH) - Voluntary Hospital
* South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital (SIVUH) - Voluntary Hospital
The two voluntary hospitals in the Group are funded by the HSE as Section 38 agencies under the Health Act 2004.
The primary academic partner for the Group is University College Cork (UCC) and, together with our Higher Education Institute of Technology in Cork, plays an important role in developing and improving academic teaching, research and innovation to drive improved health for the population in the S/SWHG.
Cork University Hospital Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer.