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Senior Professorship in the School of Celtic Studies
The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is a statutory research body dedicated to fundamental research. Established in 1940, it was modelled on the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. The Institute conducts research in the fields of Celtic Studies, Theoretical Physics, and Cosmic Physics.
The Governing Board of the School of Celtic Studies wishes to nominate a scholar, recognised as a leading authority in their field of study, for appointment by the President of Ireland to the position of Senior Professor in the School. DIAS is now seeking applications for this permanent position from scholars with an outstanding research and publications record in any area of research encompassed by the School, who are committed to the field of Celtic Studies and who have experience of directing advanced research.
Further details on the position and the application process are available at https://dias.ie/scsprofessor. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2025.
DIAS is committed to building an inclusive community, distinguished by academic excellence, gender balance, and diversity.
If you have any queries, please contact registrarsoffice@admin.dias.ie