Job Description
Wexford General Hospital is part of the HSE Dublin & South East Health Authority, governed by a Board of Management chaired by the Hospital Manager.
The hospital is a 270-bedded facility providing various services including Inpatient, Outpatient, Day Care, Outreach, and Emergency Services. It is situated in the South East corner of Ireland with easy access from the M11 and N25 roads, as well as rail links from Rosslare Europort.
NCHD Duties and Responsibilities
1. Participate as a member of a multi-disciplinary team to provide medical care to patients.
2. Diagnose and treat patients according to established medical protocols.
3. Ensure patient safety and well-being at all times.
4. Assess patients on admission and/or discharge, documenting detailed reports in their case notes.
5. Order and interpret diagnostic tests as necessary.
6. Initiate and monitor treatment plans for patients.
7. Communicate effectively with patients and clients.
8. Pursue ongoing professional development to improve knowledge of diagnosis and management.
9. Contribute to multidisciplinary clinical audit and risk management efforts.
10. Collaborate with colleagues to ensure compliance with contractual commitments.
11. Coincide with measures to adhere to the European Working Time Directive and related Irish legislation.
12. Coooperate with investigations and enquiries relating to healthcare services.
13. Fulfill statutory and regulatory requirements, adhering to corporate policies and procedures.
14. Attend NCHD Induction training prior to employment commencement and during the employment relationship.
15. Perform other duties as assigned by the supervising Consultant/Clinical Director/Employer.
Additional Responsibilities
The specific duties and responsibilities of this role may be outlined in the job description issued by the Employer.
Performance Review
NCHDs are entitled to regular performance reviews, including MET/Research performance evaluations, conducted by the designated supervisory Consultant/Clinical Director/Head of Academic Department.
Professional Conduct
NCHDs must adhere to the Irish Medical Council's 'Guide to Ethical Conduct and Behaviour' when performing their duties.