Job Title: Permanent Full Time Support Worker (Care Assistant Grade)
Reports to: Team Leader or such other authorised person as the Employing Authority may designate.
Accountable to: Kilkenny Services Manager
The Congregation of the Brothers of Charity is a religious voluntary organisation, founded in 1807 by Canon Peter Triest, to provide a Christian response to a variety of needs in society.
Our Ethos:
The core values of our services have always been the dignity and humanity of each person. How these are expressed has evolved over time with our greater understanding of the rights of all people with a disability, with the changing hopes and expectations of the individuals and families with whom we work, and with the growing expertise of all associated with our services.
Key Responsibilities:
As a member of the Ballytobin Services Team, you will work intensively with individuals to discover what will constitute a good life for the individual and to establish what supports the individual will need to achieve their goals. In order to do this there is a requirement that you will work in partnership with the individual's family and other important people in the individual's life. A high degree of flexibility is required as the timing and location of the supports provided will be dictated by the individual's plan.
You will be responsible for ensuring that the day-to-day operations of the Service reflect the ethos and vision of the Brothers of Charity Services and that all co-workers are meeting the needs of the individuals who are supported by the services therein.
Your Duties Will Include:
Advocacy & Rights:
Respect each person who uses services as an equal citizen.
Uphold and respect the human, legal and constitutional rights of individuals recognising their individuality and equality, and empowering them to grow, thereby achieving the highest possible level of personal autonomy.
Facilitate, encourage and develop the choice and decision making skills of individuals who use services.
Facilitate, encourage and develop the self-advocacy skills of and opportunities for involvement in advocacy for individuals.
Person Centred Support for Living:
Ensure a person centred approach to service delivery
In the context of the individual and group Programmes, support people using services and their families with aspects of individual and group programmes including:
Behaviour support programmes
Social integration, including use of local community facilities
Independent Living Skills
Personal development
Assist with fostering, encouraging and developing each person using the services' self-care skills, particularly in relation to personal hygiene, health matters and care for their personal appearance;
Act as a Key Worker for specific individuals.
In consultation with the individual take the lead in developing and implementing person centred plans for those individuals for whom you act as key worker and ensure that the needs identified are appropriately addressed
Ensure that all behaviour support plans that are put in place by the Multidisciplinary Team are carried out and adhered to.
Facilitate and encourage participation of individuals in recreational and leisure activities.
Achieve competency in driving the centre transport and participate in transport duties as required. This may necessitate flexible starting and finishing times;
As a team member to accept delegated responsibility for the physical and emotional well-being of the people who use the service;
Participate and assist with the organisation of centre outings;
Facilitate person using services to actively participate and integrate into the community, through the use of generic community facilities;
Encourage and promote the involvement of individuals in the prudent management of his/her personal monies
Encourage and promote the participation of individuals in buying, preparing, cooking of meals and packed lunches as required.
Ensure that the religious and pastoral needs of each individual are adequately supported
Ensure that the personal clothing of individuals is looked after and cared for and that the household and bed linen is changed and laundered regularly.
Management and Leadership:
Be familiar with and ensure that policies, procedures and codes of practice of the Services are adhered to.
Ensure that all records in relation to people who use our services are up to date as per HIQA requirements, correctly filed and managed as per the service's records management system.
Report all accident/incidents and take appropriate action.
Utilise efficiently the transport services available to the service area and advise the appropriate staff on transport needs.
Money and Budgets:
Ensure that all petty cash and the personal monies of the people who use the services are properly accounted for.
Be responsible for maintaining a petty cash float, keeping relevant records and ensuring that accounts are checked and balanced.
Ensure that goods and services received are prudently used for purposes intended.
Be responsible for requisitioning consumable and durable goods when duly authorised and ensuring that due economy is exercised both in the making of such requisitions and in their subsequent use, and that they are fully accounted for;
Attend and participate fully in regular staff meetings where all aspects of the service area are discussed with a view to maintaining high standards.
Promote open communication among staff and good levels of staff morale.
Co-operate and develop and maintain effective working relationships with:
People who use our services and their families
All other staff involved in the provision of both residential and day services
Families, visitors, volunteers and other such personnel who visit
Operate effectively as a member of the multi-disciplinary team in promoting the best interests of the individuals in the service area.
Encourage families to develop their involvement in the ongoing development of the person.
Report all matters of concern immediately to the Team Leader/Services Manager.
Participate fully in meetings as required Person Centred Planning meetings, Service Area reviews, team meetings. Record meetings in line with agreed procedures.
Actively participate in developing and maintaining good relationships with local residents and community organisations.
Participate fully with the implementation of a team based performance management approach to achieving the goals of the Services' strategic plan.
Training and Development:
Be informed of current developments in services for people with intellectual disabilities Person Centred Planning, Personal Outcome Measures, Human Rights and Citizenship, "New Directions- Review of day services and implementation Plan 2012-2016", Supported Self Directed Living.
Attend and contribute appropriately at lectures, courses and meetings as required and share information and knowledge gained with colleagues.
Be responsible for identifying personal training and development needs and communicating them to the Team Leader/Services Manager.
Attend mandatory training courses and achieve required standard.
Health and Safety:
Be conscious of health and safety matters in the work place and in particular to comply with employees' obligations as set out in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and to ensure that the procedures set out in the Safety Statement are implemented at all times.
Carry out regular safety audits and fire drills.
Be conversant with existing fire regulations and emergency procedures and participate in the implementation of same. Make people who use our services aware, in so far as possible, of Fire Drill procedures.
Be responsible for the safe use and care of equipment and report faulty equipment etc., as it arises.
Report accidents/irregularities or other matters of safety concern to the Team Leader or in her/his absence to the Services Manager or such person as the Employing Authority may designate.
Identify risk, assess and document appropriately.
Employees are expected to have a high level of flexibility and a willingness and ability to develop new approaches to their work. Duties and responsibilities of any post in the Services are likely to change with the ongoing needs and developments of the Services. Employees will therefore be required to carry out such other duties appropriate to their employment as may be assigned to him/her from time to time.
In the course of the employment the post holder may have access to, or hear information concerning the medical or personal affairs of the children and their families who use services and/or staff, or other health service business. Such records and information are strictly confidential and unless acting on the instructions of an authorised officer, on no account must information concerning people who use services, staff, or other health service business be divulged or discussed except in the performance of normal duty. In addition records must never be left in such a manner that unauthorised persons can obtain access to them and must be kept in safe custody when no longer required.