Title:Site Clerk Reports to:Project Manager Location:Site specific Hours of work:Monday to Friday, 5 days per week, 7.30am 5.30pm Key Responsibilities Goodtimekeepingandsetsgoodexampletoallotherworkersonsite Issuing of site requisitions to the purchasing dept on daily basis (as necessary).
This needs to be doneinanorderlyandtimelyfashion,withaccurateandconciserecordofallgoodsandmaterials requisitioned, by whom and for which area of the development.This needs to strictly adhere to the purchasing procedure.
MonitoringandkeepingPROCOREsystemuptodateandensuringallrelevantdocumentationis filled correctly.
MaintainaregisterofallD/RESownerplantandequipmentonsiteandensure itisalways ina known state of repair.
Ensuring test certificates are on fileand current for all plant & machinery on site.
If maintenancetestsarerequirede.g.liftingchains,requisitiontoberaisedforthisto Purchasing dept.
Registering, monitoring and controlling the enrolment to our Biometric System Logging, storing and controlling the movement of House keys.
Maintaining drawing register for all drawings received on site.
Collect and maintain a full record of daily sign-in sheets from Gateman for all personnel entering site.
Typical objectives for this role Site Clerk / Document Controller Document controlling Ensure that attendance logs are correct and accurate Maintainallstationaryandconsumablelevels Placepurchasesinatimelymanner Work with the Site Managers/ Foreman to ensure that materials are ordered inadvance of the trades and delivered to site Ensurethatthematerialsorderedarethecorrectmaterialsaccordingtothe drawings RaisethepurchaseordernumberontheKefronsystem Takedeliveryofthematerialsandsignforthematerialswhentheyarriveonsite Ensure all delivery dockets, receipts etc.
are uploaded and provided to D/RES accounts in a timely manner Assist the PM to monitor all plant and machinery hiring and off hiring ImplementPROCOREqualitycontrolproceduresandprocessestoensurethatqualityis maintained throughout the build process Monitoring & ensuring that all consultants Drawing Registers & specification are current FolderSetuptobereviewedwithPM&adjustedaccordingly Access to folders to be reviewed & maintained to ensure document/information control Weekly review of Procore system to advise wider time on status of Submittals, RFI, inspection & Observations (print report and distribute at weekly meeting) ManagetheconsultantreportsforthePM Ensure that reports are filed correctly Correlatetheissuesraised Requestthecorrectiveactionevidencefromtherelevantsiteteammember Upload information and close out issue raised BCARandHousehandover Set up BCAR tracker with the PM Manage the flow of all relevant information required for BCAR submission in a timely fashion to ensure that deadlines are met Raise any concerns with the PM as they arise Set up Homeowner information packs on PROCORE and ensure all relevant information is uploaded ProvidefinanceandHRwithweeklytimesheetsfordirectlabouronMondaymorning Start and finish times need to be recorded accurately Collatethereports Submit by 9am each Monday morning Update the lock up/completion tracker by 4pm each day (ESG) Maintain the site in an environmental manner