Post Title: Occupational Therapy Manager IIIPost Status: Permanent Department Occupational Therapy DepartmentLocation: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9 Reports to: Head of Clinical Services Salary: Appointment will be made on manager III Grade at a point in line with Government pay policy. (€86,570 - €95,280)Hours of work: Full-Time Closing Date: 12:00pm on March 12th 2025 Position Summary:The position requires a strategic approach to the development of Occupational Therapy services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the management of changes necessary to achieve departmental and organisational objectives.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:The main duties of the Occupational Therapist Manager-In-Charge III PostLead and manage the hospital’s Occupational Therapy Service and advise on the development, planning and improvement of a high quality and equitable patient service, in consultation with the Head of Clinical Services.To be responsible for the line management of all staff members, for managing staffing levels and resources.Recruit, train and lead a skilled team of staffCreate, promote and maintain a healthy working environment for staff.Develop a shared sense of commitment and participation among staff in the planning and development of the service.Lead, organise and co- ordinate the work of the Occupational Therapy Department, ensuring the highest standards of patient care are maintained and improved within the resources available and which meet with organisational goals.Ensure the optimum and effective use of staff through efficient rostering, skill-mix planning, workload measurement and staff deployment, including management and planning of staff grade rotations, and the assignment and monitoring of departmental and staff duties.To ensure that appropriate governance and supervision structures are in place for all staff members.Implement a staff development and individual performance management process and foster a high level of morale among staff by effective motivation and communication.To be responsible for supporting staff in meeting their continuing professional development needs.To be responsible for ensuring the management and planning of student education and fieldwork placement provision, and correspondence regarding same.Maintain and develop professional standards (including quality assurance standards) in the light of changing practices both within and outside the profession.Keep abreast of new developments, skills and technology in order to initiate and respond to changes in the work environment e.g. data analysis, clinical audit, research etc.Anticipate changing demands on service and respond to these changes.Keep the Head of Clinical Services informed of any significant development within his/her area of responsibilityTo advise the Head of Clinical Services and other Senior Hospital Management of the most appropriate arrangements with respect to the efficient, effective and quality delivery of the Occupational Therapy service.Work closely with the Head of Clinical Services and other Health and Social Care Professionals in the broader development of services and for the purpose of consultation on issues of concern.Contribute to relevant business cases/ financial planning exercises being undertaken by the organisationProvide an annual report on the Occupational Therapy Service to the Head of Clinical Services for incorporation into the hospital annual reportTo liaise and collaborate with other professional groups in the hospital, with respect to provision of high quality patient care, prioritising the delivery of services within available resources, and maximising the use of these resources.To ensure liaison and collaboration with other professional groups, all relevant agencies and external HSE/PCCC colleagues, who are concerned with the care and management of Beaumont Hospital patients.To advise the Head of Clinical Services and other Senior Hospital Management of changes and developments in the Occupational Therapy profession nationally and internationally and to act as a resource person for Occupational Therapy information for Clinical and Non-Clinical groups.To devise, implement and keep operational policies and procedures under review, with regular audit, and revise as required in the light of changing service needs.To be responsible for the collation and return of departmental statistical information and data.To conduct documentation audits, and other departmental service audits that may be indicated.Participate in the formulation of relevant human resource policies and procedures and deal with human resource problems, in association with the Human Resources Department.To be familiar with the regulations and legislation regarding disciplinary and grievance procedures, and to be responsible for implementing and enforcing same as indicated.To be responsible for the operation of financial systems within the department, in consultation with the Head of Clinical Services and the Financial Controller.Ensure expenditure is controlled within budget and identify potential for efficiency saving through improved practices.To be responsible for the development of Information Technology (IT) Systems for the department, in consultation with the Head of Clinical Services and I.T. management and staff.To act as a resource person/expert advisor for occupational therapy for the clinical and non-clinical groups which will include advising on strategies for health promotion, rehabilitation and promotion of independence, health, safety and risk management matters pertaining to patient care.To liaise with the Supplies Department, and appropriate other members of staff, to ensure adequate and best quality and priced products are available for patients.To address and manage medical legal issues in the practice of occupational therapy as appropriate.The appointee may be required to act as a member of the management side in negotiations with trade unions/staff associations.To participate in hospital initiatives/committees as required and relevant to the post.Participate and co-operate with any internal or external evaluation of the service.From time to time the appointee will be required to perform such other duties appropriate to the office as assigned by the Head of Clinical Services and/or Chief Executive or designated other.
Selection Criteria: Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post. Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory: 1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Candidates for appointment must:(i) Be registered, or be eligible for registration, on the Occupational Therapists Registermaintained by the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU.AND(ii) Have five years full time (or an aggregate of 5 years fulltime) post qualificationclinical experience.AND(iii) Have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability,management, leadership and professional ability) for the proper discharge of theduties of the office.AND(iv) Provide proof of Statutory Registration on the Occupational Therapists Registermaintained by the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU before acontract of employment can be issued. 2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain annual registration on theOccupational Therapists Register maintained by the Occupational TherapistsRegistration Board at CORUAND(ii) Practitioners must confirm annual registration with CORU to the HSE by way of theannual Patient Safety Assurance Certificate (PSAC). 3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as wouldindicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. 4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Desirable:Post graduate management qualification or other relevant further education. Informal Enquiries ONLY to:Name:Paula O’ConnorTitle:Interim Head of Clinical ServicesEmail address:paulaoconnor@beaumont.ieTelephone:(01) 809 2937