HSE Mid-West is hiring Clinical Nurse Manager Paediatric Shift Leader.
Purpose of the Post
The post of CNM 2 has a pivotal role in service planning, coordinating, and managing activity and resources within the clinical area. The main responsibilities are:
1. Quality assurance
2. Resource management
3. Staffing and staff development
4. Practice development
5. Facilitating communication
6. Professional / clinical leadership
HSE Mid-West
There is currently one permanent, part-time vacancy available in the Paediatric Department, University Hospital Limerick.
A panel may be formed as a result of this campaign for Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Paediatrics from which current and future, permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Informal Enquiries
Name & Title: Teresa Joyce, Interim Assistant Director of Nursing, Paediatrics, UHL.
Email: Teresa.joyce@hse.ie
Telephone: 087-9757060