Graduate Planner Temporarythree-yearfixedtermcontract Aside from the exciting range of opportunities to make a real difference to your community and county, South Dublin County Council is a great place to work and for many people already provides an attractive career and working environment.
Working for South Dublin County Council will give you the opportunity to gain experience at the heart of local government and to develop your career in a diverse work environment.
We recognise the value of our employees, can offer a diverse range of job and career options, can provide plenty of scope for career progression and can provide structured training and personal development We also offer flexible working arrangements including blended working arrangements, a positive work environment, training and development opportunities, a defined career path and the opportunity to make a difference.
Therole The Graduate Planner will be required to work as part of a team in theCouncils busy Planning DepartmentunderthesupervisionanddirectionofanExecutiveorSeniorExecutivePlanner(whowill also provide mentoring over the contract period).
They will be required at times to work on their own initiative, as circumstances demand, on a broad range of projects.
The office is wholetime, temporary and pensionable and the contract is for a fixed term of three years.
The successful candidate will hold the post of Graduate Planner for one three-year period only.
Offers willbemadesubjecttothecandidatesubmitting,tothesatisfactionoftheCouncil,evidenceof holding an honours degree (level eight or higher in the National Framework of Qualifications) prior to taking up duty.
Salary €37,956-€40,766-€44,786-€48,452 Hours of Work Thesuccessfulcandidatesnormalhoursofworkwillbe35hoursperweek.
The Council reserves the right to alter your hours of work from time to time.
Annual Leave Annualleaveentitlementforthispositionis24days.
Only applications received electronically through the Councils e-Recruitment system will be accepted and must be received no later than midnight on Thursday, 27th February 2025 Qualifications Character Candidateswillbeofgoodcharacter.
Health Eachcandidatemustbeinastateofhealthsuchaswouldindicateareasonableprospectofabilitytorender regular and efficient service.
Essential Education, training, experience Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms: hold an honours degree (level eight in the National Framework of Qualifications) in Planning Or be in the final year of an honours degree (level eight in the National Framework of Qualifications) in Planning and be in a position to commence employment upon completion of the degree course; evidence of holding an honours degree (level eight or higher in the National Framework of Qualifications) prior to taking up duty will be required.
Desirable Education, training, experience Possessgoodprofessionalknowledgeandskills.
Possessgoodinterpersonalandcommunicationskillsandhavetheabilitytoengagewithawide range of people.
HavegoodknowledgeandawarenessofHealthandSafetylegislationandregulations,their implications for the organisation and the employee, and their application in the workplace.
Possessacurrentunendorsedfulldrivinglicence(CategoryAl,Aand/orB)astheymaybe required to drive in the course of their duties.
Key competencies / skills Deliveringresults Personaleffectiveness Localgovernmentknowledgeandunderstanding Candidates are requested to give an example of a situation which highlights the behaviour, skills and attitude that underpin effective performance in these areas and which demonstrates their suitability to meet the challenges of this role.
Candidates should ensure the example used clearly demonstrates their ability in this area and that the scale and scope of the example given is appropriate to the post and level of the post.
Duties Thedutiesinclude,butarenotlimitedtothefollowing: The Graduate Planner will be assigned to the Land Use, Planning and Transportation directorate of South Dublin County Council and will be required to carry out all the duties allocated to them by the Council under the direction and supervision of the relevant supervisor which will include but are not limited to: Preparationofmaterialforpresentation,meetings,publicationandexhibition.
Managingyourwork,toachieveagreedobjectivestoahighstandardwithinagreedand statutory timeframes.
Working on Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) Schemes,specialprojects,conservation,developmentmanagement,planninginformation services and transportation / traffic or other area as may be assigned.
Working in the Development Management process; assisting in the processing of planning applicationsandcompliances,carryingoutsiteinspectionsaswellashavinganinvolvementin pre-planning, providing Part Eight advice and dealing with customer questions.
Carrying out such other duties as may be reasonably required to provide a planning service for the Council.
Holdersoftheofficemaybeassignedtoworkinallappropriateareasinthecourseoftheir employment.
These duties are indicative rather than exhaustive and are carried out under general guidance.