Overview Informal Enquiries to Linda Kennedy, Business Manager to REO - .
The location of the post will be between the following; HSE Dublin North and East Region HSE Offices, Ardee, First Floor,St Brigids Complex ,Kells Road, Ardee ,Co. Louth, A92 DRN0 HSE Offices, Swords Business Campus, Balheary Demesne, Swords, Co. Dublin The position of Executive Assistant / Senior Office Administrator - Grade VI occupies a pivotal role within the structure of the health services.
It encompasses both managerial and administrative responsibilities including assisting in the management of the day to day operations for the office of the Regional Executive Officer including management of all Clerical Administration staff in offices.
It provides admin support to the Regional Executive Officer, looking after all report management, document control / filing / archiving and assisting all members of the team in their administration needs.
It is the first point of contact for corporate affairs.
Essential Criteria Candidates must meet the following criteria on the closing date: Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition: Have satisfactory experience as a Clerical Officer in the HSE, TUSLA, other statutory health agencies, or a body which provides services on behalf of the HSE under Section 38 of the Health Act 2004.
Or Have obtained a pass (Grade D) in at least five subjects from the approved list of subjects in the Department of Education Leaving Certificate Examination, including Mathematics and English or Irish1.
Candidates should have obtained at least Grade C on higher level papers in three subjects in that examination.
Or Have completed a relevant examination at a comparable standard in any equivalent examination in another jurisdiction Or Hold a comparable and relevant third level qualification of at least level 6 on the National Qualifications Framework maintained by Qualifications and Quality Ireland, (QQI).
Note1: Candidates must achieve a pass in Ordinary or Higher level papers.
A pass in a foundation level paper is not acceptable.
Candidates must have achieved these grades on the Leaving Certificate Established programme or the Leaving Certificate Vocational programme.
The Leaving Certification Applied Programme does not fulfil the eligibility criteria.
And Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability, for the proper discharge of the office.
And Satisfactory experience in an office relating to Health, Academia or Science related service And Two years satisfactory experience in a similar role supporting the Executive of a large public entity.
Age The Public Service Superannuation (Age of Retirement) Act, 2018* set 70 years as the compulsory retirement age for public servants.
*Public Servants not affected by this legislation: Public servants recruited between 1 April 2004 and 31 December 2012 (new entrants) have no compulsory retirement age.
Public servants recruited since 1 January 2013 are members of the Single Pension Scheme and have a compulsory retirement age of 70.
Health Candidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
Character Candidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character Relevant Attachment Job Spec -Grade VI - Office Support to REO (002)