Job Title: Project Worker Reports To: ProjectManagerBellaHouse Location: Dublin Salary: This role is attached to a defined salary scale which ranges from €36,890 to €45,210 and appointments are made depending on experience. Purpose of the Job The role of Project Worker is vital to the successful delivery of quality programmes and services in NOVAS for our clients. The Project Worker will support the clients of the Bella House project. TheProjectWorkerwillreportdirectlytotheBellaHouseProjectManager,willbeamember of,andworkcollaborativelywiththeBellaHousestaffteam,widerNOVASservices,external service providers and local authorities in the region. The Project Worker is responsible for supporting clients, sourcing appropriate housing options for clients, supporting clients to move into and sustain their accommodation for a period of time. The Project Worker will ensureeffectivedaytodayrunningoftheproject,allaspectsofhealthandsafety,hygiene and physical environment is kept to a high standard at all times. The role is situated in the Bella Houseproject. Thisrole includes day and eveningwork(8 hour shifts), weekend work (8/15 hour shifts) The Project Worker will have a background in Social Care, minimum level 7, with training or experience in the areas of Homeless Services and will be expected to work within the relevant frameworks of quality standards or legislation. This job description is a guide to the general range of duties assigned to the post holder. It is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive and is subject to periodic review. Environment of the Job NOVAS is a not-for-profit organisation and Approved Housing Body, we work with single adults, couples and families, and who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. We also provideaserviceforunaccompaniedminorsseekingasylum.Weprovidearangeofservices andaccommodation.OurfirstservicewasestablishedinLimerickin2002whichwasa temporary low-threshold emergency homeless accommodation and we have grown from there. We now have over 300 staff, and more than 30 services in Limerick, Dublin, Clare, Kerry, Cork and Tipperary including emergency homeless accommodation, transitional homeless accommodation, social housing and community-based services for tenancy sustainment, homelessness prevention, mental health and recovery. NOVAS is a Trauma Informed Practice Organisation, and the principles of collaboration, diversity, respect and trust are embedded in our way of working together. Our services are provided through support of our partners in local government through the Local Authorities, HSE, and other donors and funders. Delegation and Reporting The Project Worker has decision making remit for the areas of identifying appropriate housing and support needs in collaboration with clients and colleagues within the Bella HouseTeamandBellaHouseProjectManager.In theabsenceoftheManager,oratother times, the Project Worker may be required to consult with the Senior Residential Services Manager or another member of the Senior Management Team OversightfortheworkinthisroleisprovidedbytheQualityServicesSubCommitteeofthe NOVAS Board of Directors. The Project Worker will at all times operate in a professional and respectful manner, maintaining high quality standards of work in in accordance with the values and mission of NOVAS. Their decision making will at all times be informed by the best interests of the clients and ensuring cost effective value for money, use of donations and public money. Challenges The nature of our work involves supporting the most vulnerable people who often have complexneedsandmaybesurvivorsoftrauma.Asaresult,duringthecourseofyourwork youmayengagewithsensitiveandconfidentialmattersthatrequireempathy,compassion andpragmatism.Youmayalsoencounterclients ortenants whoarein distress,displaying challenging behaviours or struggle to moderate their behaviour. Patience, respect and an abilitytoremain professionalandfocusedon deescalatingisessential.Furthertrainingwill be provided in Trauma Informed Practice or Crisis Prevention. As an organisation that is largely funded by public money, effective use of resources is a continuous focus and challenge. Accountability Achievedby ClientCareand Support To assess individual clients needs and develop and deliver appropriate support and care management programmes in conjunction with other voluntary and statutory services. To approach clients at all times with dignity and respect and ensuretheyareprovidedwithchoicesaroundtheservicesthey receive. To support clients in line with Trauma Informed Practice and harm reduction principles. To support the client in identifying and sourcing appropriate housing options. Provide practical services to the client, including welfare, benefitsandhousingadvice,budget,debtmanagementandlife skills. Assist clients with health, hygiene, safety, general welfare, including personal assistance where required. Maintain the service to a high standard including cleaning and preparing client rooms, communal areas and workstations. To assist clients in gaining access to a range of community resources to enable them to increase confidence, socialisation, independent living and problem-solving skills. To assistclients in maximisingtheirtenancysustainment skills, throughtheuseofspecialistprogrammesandself-development skills. To be aware of child protection issues and correct reporting procedures. Toadheretoallpoliciesandprocedures,particularlyinrelation to child protection, safeguarding vulnerable adults, confidentiality, finance, personal safety and customer care. Topromoteclientparticipationbyprovidinginformation,advice and choices to enable individuals to participate fully in daily decisions relating to them. To assist clients in providing feedback on services through meetings, the complaints procedures, suggestions and use of questionnaires. Tobeaccessibleandresponsiveatalltimestoclientsquestions, concerns and requests for information. To keep accurate, up to date and factual client records via the NOVAS and funders recording platforms. (Salesforce & PASS) To assist clients in gaining access to their personal files in accordance with procedures. To promote and implement the principles of customer care. Toadheretoallpoliciesandprocedures,particularlyinrelation to child protection, safeguarding vulnerable adults, confidentiality, finance, personal safety and customer care. Topromoteclientparticipationbyprovidinginformation,advice and choices to enable individuals to participate fully in daily decisions relating to them. To assist clients in providing feedback on services through meetings, the complaints procedures, suggestions and use of questionnaires. Tobeaccessibleandresponsiveatalltimestoclientsquestions, concerns and requests for information. To keep accurate, up to date and factual client records via the NOVAS and funders recording platforms. (Salesforce & PASS) To assist clients in gaining access to their personal files in accordance with procedures. Topromoteandimplementtheprinciplesofcustomercare. Financial Responsibilities To be aware of and adhere to all relevant financial procedures and regulations of the organisation and to report any discrepancies either on the part of the post-holder or others to your manager immediately. Liaison To establish responsive liaison arrangements both within the association and externally with Estate Agents, Private Rented Sector, Approved Housing Bodies, Long Term Supported Accommodation Providers, Dublin City Council, the DRHE, and other partners. TopromotetheworkofNOVAStootherorganisations. Toattendinternalandexternalmeetingswhereappropriateand as requested. To be accountable for your workload and movements to both your line manager and the appropriate senior managers. Supervision,Support & Development Engaging in regular supervision or one-to-one sessions with your line manager. Workingunderthedirectionofyourlinemanagerandthewider management team. Working to help the organisation achieve the aims and objectives of the strategic plan in line with our values and mission. Participatinginteammeetings. Familiarity and compliance with all relevant policies and standards. Participation in relevant and required training events. Health&Safety Attentiontoyourown andthatoftheclientsHealth&Safetyin the workplace. Vigilance of health & safety hazards and timely reporting of same to your line manager and or safety representative. Managing and reporting incidents and accidents in accordance with policies and procedures. Ensuring all Fire Safety Checks are carried out in line with policies, procedures and daily tasks. Reporting any issues immediately to the Project Manager. Carrying out Health and Wellbeing checks on clients where required and follow up on any support needs. Ability to recognise and administer basic First Aid to clients as required. This includes CPR and Naloxone administration. Mandatory Training will be provided. Adheretoalltheprincipals ofmanualhandling. Ensuring that the service is safe, reporting any security issues to the Project Manager/Garda as required. Adherence to all infection prevention control measures and compliance to all guidance in relation to IPC Information Management Ensure data and personal information relating to clients, tenants, staff and other members of the organisation is kept safe and secure using the correct systems and procedures, is collected for legitimate purposes and is safely destroyed when appropriate. Essential Criteria Documentary evidence of qualifications and eligibility will be confirmed at the end of any recruitment process, candidates who do not possess the essential requirements, on the date of application will not be offered a position. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they meettheessentialcriteriaofthepersonspecification. Theappropriatecandidatewill have: A minimum of Level 7 Ordinary Degree or higher (National Framework of Qualifications) in Social Care or another allied health profession. Experience in working with people who are homeless or other social care groups. Administration skills for record keeping and report writing and computer literacy. Ability to provide services that foster and enhance the dignity, development and independence of the individual. Ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people. Understanding of the needs of vulnerable people who are homeless, with focus on the specific needs of women. Knowledge of and a commitment to equal opportunities. Full drivers license. Garda Vetting will be sought for this role. Desirable Criteria Itwouldbean advantageforthecandidateto have: Experience working on own initiative, lone working, managing ones own caseload and time management. Experience and knowledge of working in two or more of the following areas: Homeless sector, Tenancy Sustainment, Family Support, Residential Care, Mental Health, Challenging Behaviour or Substance Misuse. Knowledge of statutory and voluntary social care services and systems. Experience and knowledge in the area of child protection and associated legislation and guidelines. Experience of working in, or a strong interest in the charity or not-for-profit. NOVASiscommittedtoattractingandretainingthebesttalentinserviceofour clients and tenants and values the hard work and commitment of our staff. DetailedbelowarearangeofbenefitsyoureceiveasaNOVAS employee. Support & Supervision Every employee will have regular planned one-to-one meetings with their line manager aswell as Team Meetings and Monthly All StaffTownHallmeetingsinordertoensureyouareconnectedto, andsupportedbyyourcolleaguesandtheorganisation. Learning & Development NOVAS will fully fund a wide range of training programmes requiredwhicharerolespecificincludingFirstAid,FireSafety, ManualHandling,TraumaInformedPractice. Career Progression NOVASbelievesinsupportingthedevelopmentandcareerpath for our staff and develop skills for role changes, Leadership Preparation andManagementDevelopment. SalaryScales NOVAShasdefinedsalaryscalesandhascommittedtoawarding annual increments to staff depending on sustained funding. AnnualLeave 26Days annualleaveplus bankholidays. Pension Adirectcontributionpensionwitha5%employerandemployee contribution totalling 10%. Employee Assistance Programme Our Employee Assistance Programme provided by Inspire Wellbeinggivesstaffaccesstofreeconfidentialcounsellinganda suiteofonlinementalhealthandwellnesstools. Further Education Support Withthehelpofyourlinemanageryou canapplyforfinancial support,studyleaveorexamleavedaystocompleteexternal professionalqualifications tohelpfurtheryour career. SickPay 2Weeksfulland2 weeks halfsick paycertified. Maternity Leave 18 weeks full pay which can be pro rata across duration.