The Assistant Director of Nursing will:
1. Ensure that the provision of a high standard of care to the resident and their family members/representatives in Clearbrook Nursing Home is consistent with the mission, vision, values and strategic plan of Clearbrook Nursing Home.
2. Promote and maintain resident safety and provide quality care through respecting the dignity, privacy and rights of the resident.
3. Ensure that Clearbrook Nursing Home is operated in a manner that respects the age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, family status, civil status, race, religious beliefs and ethnic and cultural background of each resident.
4. Develop relationships with residents, which facilitates resident autonomy, informed choice and evidence-based decision-making.
5. Encourage recognition of the resident as an individual; ensuring residents’ rights, needs and comfort are given priority during the provision of care.
6. Manage the Clearbrook Nursing Home in a manner that maximises the resident’s capacity to exercise personal autonomy and choice.
7. Ensure effective communication with residents in a manner that meets the resident’s needs. Ensure that resident’s communication needs are addressed.
8. Effectively communicate with the resident family members and visitors on an ongoing basis.
9. Ensure continuity of care by providing information concerning the resident’s circumstances, medication, treatment and/or ongoing support by medical or other professionals to Health and Social Care Professionals, or any subsequent care provider, as appropriate.
10. Ensure that the resident is safe from physical or sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial or material abuse, neglect or acts of omission, or discriminatory abuse, through deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance by others within the Clearbrook Nursing Home.
11. Ensure that residents are facilitated to access legal and financial advice in any situation where it appears they are subject to any form of financial abuse by a third party.
12. Arrange a comprehensive assessment, by an appropriate Health and Social Care Professional of the health, personal and social care needs of a resident or a person who intends to be a resident immediately before or on the person’s admission to the Clearbrook Nursing Home.
13. Ensure the preparation of an individual care plan, based on the assessment, for a resident is no later than 48 hours after that resident’s admission.
14. Ensure the formal review at intervals not exceeding 4 months, the resident individual care plans and, where necessary, ensure it is revised, after consultation with the resident concerned and where appropriate that resident’s family members/representatives.
15. Ensure that the prospective resident and/or his/her family members or representatives are invited to visit the Clearbrook Nursing Home before he/she makes a decision to stay and are provided with all required supporting information.
16. Support, and work towards, a restraint free environment. Manage and respond to behaviour that is challenging in so far as is practical in a manner that is not restrictive.
17. Support the resident, in so far as is reasonably practical, to access and retain control over his/her personal property, possessions and finances.
18. Ensure that each resident is informed about what personal information is being maintained, who has access to this information, and how they can access their personal information.
19. Responsible to meet the aims of dementia/cognitive impairment care within the residential home.
20. Ensure that the resident’s palliative and end of life needs are identified and implemented in so far as possible.
21. Facilitate the resident’s choice in relation to their preference of medical practitioner.
22. Ensure the treatment recommended by the medical practitioner and agreed with the resident is provided.
23. Ensure the resident is supplied with adequate food and drink that is appropriate to their needs and provides resident choice.
24. Ensure all relevant information about the resident is obtained from the other designated centre, hospital or place prior to transfer/return.
25. Ensure the resident is discharged from the Clearbrook Nursing Home in a planned and safe manner.
26. Ensure the resident, and/or their family members/representatives shall have access to an advocate as deemed appropriate.
27. Participate in the overall management of Clearbrook Nursing Home as part of the Management Team.
28. Participate as a member of the Clearbrook Nursing Home’s additional Teams, including, as deemed required by the Registered Provider/Director of Nursing.
29. Be responsible for the following in relation to Governance and Leadership:
30. Develop and maintain competency levels necessary for professional practice.
31. Oversee the organisation and the day to day management of the Clearbrook Nursing Home.
32. Involvement in the development and implementation of the Clearbrook Nursing Home Strategic and Operational Plans.
33. Promote effective communication between all professionals involved in the care and treatment of residents.
34. Act as a liaison with outside agencies and a resource person to staff members, carers or volunteers who have protection concerns.
35. Collaborate, consult and communicate with other staff regarding the appropriate nursing assessments, diagnosis, planning, interventions, and evaluation of resident care.
36. Attend/chair meetings as required and keep staff briefed on developments in Clearbrook Nursing Home.
37. Demonstrate behaviour consistent with the values of Clearbrook Nursing Home.
38. Ensure resident confidentiality. Resident information shall not be discussed outside of the Clearbrook Nursing Home, except within professional capacity.
39. Lead, by example, a professional, punctual and dedicated team.
40. Ensure that the procedures to be followed in the event of fire are displayed in a prominent place in the designated centre.
41. Facilitate the utilised pharmacist(s) in meeting his or her obligations to a resident under any relevant legislation or guidance issued by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.
42. Oversee financial expenditure and value for money.
43. Manage relationships with external organisations and contractors in order to promote and maintain good working relationships and high standards of nursing and service for residents.
44. Manage the selection, use and review of suppliers to the Clearbrook Nursing Home.
45. Ensure that staff and residents are aware of health and safety procedures.
46. Be responsible for the following in relation to Staff Management:
47. Delegation: Ensure that where directing delegation of care, the delegation is appropriate to the definitions and philosophies of nursing.
48. Be accountable for roles or activities delegated to junior staff, where appropriate.
49. Be responsible for the recruitment, development and supervision of staff.
50. Facilitate the arrangements necessary and participate where appropriate, in education, training and supervision of other staff as the need arises.
51. Ensure there is appropriate staff available at all times with the Clearbrook Nursing Home to provide safe and effective care and to meet the residents’ needs.
52. Ensure that all staff receive appropriate training in relation to safeguarding residents, whistleblowing and the prevention, detection and response to abuse.
53. Ensure all staff have adequate education and training regarding resident rights.
54. Ensure that individuals involved on a voluntary basis in the Clearbrook Nursing Home have their roles and responsibilities set out in writing.
55. Ensure all relevant staff can communicate effectively with residents.
56. Ensure that staff have up to date knowledge and skills, appropriate to their role, to respond to and manage behaviour that is challenging.
57. Ensure that staff receive training in, are familiar with, and implement all policies and procedures with the Clearbrook Nursing Home.
58. Create and promote open communication, healthy working relationships, and stimulate initiative amongst the team.
59. Motivate team members, by agreeing goals and objectives, through performance review.
60. Be responsible for the following in relation to Infection Prevention and Control:
61. Support staff competence in the application of standard precautions as a protective measure to achieve a basic level of infection prevention and control.
62. Ensure the application of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) ‘five moments of hand hygiene’ principles throughout the residential home.
63. Support the Director of Nursing in the implementation of their roles and responsibilities for Infection Prevention and Control.
64. Be responsible for the following in relation to Quality and Safety Management System:
65. Support and implement the Quality and Safety Management System, including resident involvement.
66. Identify and review Key Performance Indicators for Clearbrook Nursing Home.
67. Ensure the effective management and implementation of the Incident Management Process and Risk Management Process within Clearbrook Nursing Home.
68. Ensure that visitors to a resident are not restricted unless such a visit would pose a risk to the resident concerned.
69. Recommend the development and/or revision of policies and procedures to the Registered Provider/Board of Directors in line with applicable laws, standards and best practice.
70. Ensure the implementation of evidence based, clinical best practice within Clearbrook Nursing Home.
71. Ensure compliance with food safety legislation and that staff receive training in relation to it.
72. For the purpose of ongoing quality monitoring and continuous improvement, collect data on trends and ensure continuous improvement measures are implemented.
73. Be responsible for the following in relation to Regulatory Compliance:
74. Ensure that applicable legislation, regulatory requirements, best practice and relevant codes of practice are met.
75. Ensure that all legally required certificates and licences are kept up to date and are displayed where required.
76. Manage the ordering, storage, administration and record requirements for medication in accordance to the relevant legislation.
77. Act as the point of contact for all inspection and regulatory agencies and comply with all reporting requirements.
78. Ensure that copies of the relevant legislation and standards are available to staff.
The foregoing should not be considered exhaustive.