Commercial Finance Analyst
The Commercial Finance function plays a key role in ensuring the business maintains a strong commercial focus by managing large customer accounts, fostering relationships with stakeholders and overseeing various aspects of the business.
* Monitor and ensure compliance with ROI contracts.
* Prepare annual ROI regulated revenue and tariff submissions for the energy regulator.
* Support the regulatory reporting process for tariffs.
* Develop and maintain tariff and revenue models, conducting financial analysis as part of price control reviews.
* Evaluate and present commercial initiatives, assessing their financial impact on tariffs.
* Participate in ENTSOG tariff working groups and analyze the impact of EU directives on tariff structures in ROI.
* Analyze and draft responses to industry consultations at both national and European levels.
* Design and develop transportation tariff structures for the Irish market.
* Prepare revenue projections for regulated and unregulated revenue streams.
* Calculate revenues to be invoiced under unregulated contracts.
* A third-level degree in Business, Finance, or Economics, or a professional accounting qualification is essential.
* 3-5 years of experience, ideally in the energy industry, with an understanding of the regulatory environment in Ireland.
* Proven financial and numerical modeling skills in Microsoft Excel, including the ability to build macros.
* A collaborative mindset, strong communication skills, and adaptability are required.
* A commitment to learning and developing new skills is necessary.
* A results-driven focus and ability to deliver outcomes through collaboration are essential.
* Confidence in making and implementing decisions is required.
* A strong dedication to delivering exceptional customer service and achieving excellence through teamwork is necessary.