Locum Consultant Neurologist position – Neurology and Epilepsy Services
Applications are invited for a locum Consultant Neurologist position at St. James’s Hospital, Dublin and Tullamore General Hospital.
This position is a Public Only Consultants Contract 2023 and is a temporary, part-time position.
Purpose of the role
* The successful candidate will be delivering the out-reach service to Tullamore General Hospital.
* The successful candidate will join the existing team of consultant neurologists delivering a range of services at St James’s Hospital.
* The appointee will also provide general neurology services at SJH (including contribution to the neurology inpatient consultation rota, providing general neurology outpatient clinics, day case services where needed and sharing administrative and educational commitments).
To apply for this position, please submit an updated Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to consultantappointments@stjames.ie. Alternatively, please forward a letter of application with CV to Medical Workforce Unit, HR Directorate, Hospital 1 Top Floor, St. James’s Hospital.
The closing date for applications is 18 February 2024.
For informal enquiries please contact: Prof David Bradley, Clinical Lead and Consultant Neurologist: Email: (dbradley@stjames.ie) and/or
Dr Elisabeth Doran, Consultant Neurologist: Email: (eldoran@stjames.ie).