The Executive Parks and Landscape Officer will work as part of a team that plans, designs, develops and manages the public parks, open spaces and public realm of Cork City Council. The Executive Parks and Landscape Officer will contribute to the development and implementation of strategies, policies and standards around the provision and management of the public realm. The Parks & Recreation team contributes to the management and protection of biodiversity, climate change, planning and the overall appearance and presentation of Cork City, and the successful candidate may be involved with these activities.
Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms:
• Hold a qualification in Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Arboriculture, Natural or Environmental Science (level 8 or higher on the National Framework of Qualifications).
* Have not less than five years post-graduate satisfactory experience of planning, design, development and management of one or more of the following: Parks, Heritage Landscapes and Gardens, Open Spaces, Green Infrastructure, Public Realm and Urban Design, Urban Forests, Sports Grounds, Recreation and Play facilities, Burial Grounds, Community Gardens and Allotments;
* Possess a high standard of professional competence and experience;
* Have the ability to work on their own initiative and as a team member and to manage and motivate staff to achieve corporate objectives;
* Have good interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders, including interest groups and public representatives;
* Have proven ability to manage the delivery of projects on time and within budget, including dealing with procurement, contractors, professional consultants;
* Have the ability to develop policies, strategies, best practice guidance and the preparation of technical reports as required;
* Have a good working knowledge of the legal and regulatory standards that apply to local authorities, including Health and Safety.
The duties of the post include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Planning, designing, and directing improvements to local, regional parks, green spaces and the public realm and increase the amenity value of these spaces for recreation and biodiversity;
* Tendering and procurement in relation to supplies, services and capital projects;
* Preparation, contract management and co-ordination of tenders/contracts; including budgetary control;
* Managing grant aided projects, including application and reporting requirements;
* Supporting the Parks & Recreation team in their duties;
* Assist in the planning, managing, monitoring and reporting of work programmes when required;
* Advise on the management and control of invasive species;
* Correspondence administration, including ensuring that responses issued in accordance with customer standards;
* Providing advice to 3rd parties, including Cork City Council departments, on the protection, maintenance and enhancement of green infrastructure and the design and management of open spaces;
* Dealing efficiently, effectively and professionally at all times with stakeholders, including elected members, community groups, businesses and residents;
* Liaising with and responding to other local authorities, government departments and statutory agencies where required;
* Collaborating with other departments and disciplines of the Council to achieve corporate objectives;
* Provision of reports to the Council, Council committees (including Local Area Committees & Strategic Policy Committees) and attendance at such meetings as may be required;
* Research and development of policy proposals;
* Implementation of relevant actions under the Council’s Climate Action Plan;
* Advising on larger private planning applications;
* To work with a diverse range of interest groups in the interest of fulfilling their duties as Executive Parks & Landscape Officer;
* Deputising for the Senior Parks & Landscape Officer as required;
* Carrying out other duties as required from time to time.